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Re: RNAi Nobel ignores vital groundwork on plants (zz from
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:neverthink] , 2006年10月26日18:50:06
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发信人: neverthink (nevernetbug), 信区: Biology
标 题: Re: RNAi Nobel ignores vital groundwork on plants (zz from Natu
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Oct 26 18:50:06 2006)

As far as my knowledge goes, I believe this award was pretty fair by leaving
plant people out. Someone already pointed out that the key poin here plant
people has no clue that it was short and double-strand RNA. As well, in
Plant, it seems long ss/dsRNA works just as well. And they were thinking it
more as a way to resist viral infection. There are indeed much difference in
many aspects.

As for victor and Ruvkun, I believe they may still have a chance to have
their share sooner or later. To me, it was a surprise initially to know them
left out but then it seemed clearly that this year award was really for
RNAi more as a technology side. What we know about snRNA is just a tip of
the iceberge and there seem that more award may fall to this field. Given
the importance and the extreme wide functionality of miRNA/ small-noncoding
RNA other than RNAi, I wouldn't be surprised they would win for the
discovery of miRNA but need to wait till the unfold of its full potentials.
Otherwise, I believe many would speak it wasn't fair at all. On Thomas
Tuschl, who likely has to be a hero without the ultimate honor. It was
really his study which pushed the whole field to the frontier by the
groudbreaking success in mammal system. Nevertheless he has scored enough
compare to someone I heard who did virtually exactly the same but was
writing his manuscript when Thomas published his. So...Luck and timing is
everything sometimes. I am sure there were more people doing or thinking the
same as Thomas's study.

※ 来源:·BBS 未名空间站·[FROM: 129.112.]

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