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Xiaodong Wang
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:citytiger] , 2001年01月25日11:58:57
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发信人: citytiger (小老虎~在等小兔), 信区: Biology
标 题: Xiaodong Wang
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Thu Jan 25 12:05:15 2001), 转信

Xiaodong Wang is really the big name in the apoptosis field. He got his B.S
in Biology in Beijing Normal University in the middle 80's. and Ph.D in
Biochemistry at UT Dallas-Southwestern Medical Center. He was trained as a
postdoctoral fellow in Goldstein's lab at Southwestern. There his work was
concentrated on sterol regulatory element binding proteins (SREBPs), and
got a few Cell papers.

Then he was an assitant then associate professor of biochemstry at Southwestern
. He is basically a biochemist, study mitochondria apoptosis pathways using
essentially biochemical methods. His lab has identified that apaf-1
(C. elegance CED-4 homologue), dATP and cytochrome C can form apoptosome
to activate caspase 9 in cell extract system. Then he identified DFF40/DFF45
factors, which DFF45 can be cleaved by caspase 3, releasing DFF40 into
nucleus, and cleave chromosome DNA into small fragments. Recently, he find
a second factor SMAC/DIABLO that can be released from mitochondria
upon apoptosis stimulation. He showed SMAC/DIABLO can inhibit IAPs' function,
thus can block the inhibitory function of IAPs for apoptosis.

My boss just talked with him during the apoptosis meeting at Keystone. He
described that when introduced before Xiaodong gave his speak, the Doug Green
only said " The next speaker is Xiaodong Wang, there's no introduction needed."
My boss also think when the time Nobel prize comes to apoptosis, Xiaodong is
one of the best candidate. The news is Xiaodong is moving, the earliest date
is this fall, maybe to UC-Berkeley.

Actually, his success can say a few things. It doesn't need fancy techniques
to be successful, traditional biochemistry, although somewhat boring, can do
a great job. Next thing is success is based on individual, its not where you
graduated matters, but based on one's own merit, of course, plus some luck.

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM:]

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