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My opinion - Re: DNA microarry bioinformatics?
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:leohawk] , 2001年05月15日03:43:59
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发信人: leohawk (leohawk), 信区: Biology
标 题: My opinion - Re: DNA microarry bioinformatics?
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Tue May 15 03:43:59 2001) WWW-POST

I think DNA microarray will SOON be out of date (my personal
opinion, don't feel offended) -- not the reason mentioned by
musician, but because I think
soon the test will be saturated and a more systematic way
for data analysis will
emerge, by that time, most microarray facility will find
nothing to do. Basically, microarray has to be combined with
other techniques...

As to success research using DNA chip, there are several
very good papers out there. One in cell, about a yeast
expression compendium, which they successfully predicted 7
orf of previously unknow function. Another in Science, in
which they studied Gal4 of yeast, showing there are other
gene that we didn't know before... there is also one for
studying meiotic recombination hot spots in yeast genome...
All these researches showed the power of DNA chip. But DNA
chip will soon become a routine; low-level work, with only a
few good, mature softwares to analyze the data, which means
a lot people will lose their job as their product is not
good enough.

Take bioinformatics as a whole, the heat will be gone soon,
after the genome data finished, good algorithm or prediction
method developed(only by real strong teams), time will come
where people has to go back to bench work -- only with a
very good new tool, bioinformatically predicted research
direction. By then, most nowaday's bioinformatists will find
hard to keep the job -- personal opinion, welcome any

【 在 musician (自由心) 的大作中提到: 】
: The data from the protein array paper is quite crappy/preliminary.
: Personaly, (maybe a little arrogant), I don't think very highly
: of gene chip, particularly due to the following reasons.
: 1. Absolute concentration measurement is almost impossible for gene chips,
: at least for now.
: 2. hybridzation techinique is inherently problematic in that inperfect hybri-
: dization sometimes lights up as well (well, Affy chip does deal with it,
: but not to a satisfactory level. You can also increase specificity by
: increasing size of oligos, i guess).
: 3. I still sincerely doubt the accuracy the data produced from microarray.
: first, affy admitted errors in their chip 'Affy said they were 'relieved' that their top chip (with the most
: useful genes) was 'only' 30% wrong...' in recent science journal.
: Second, so far, I have not seen systematic study on data, i.e, repeat of the same
: experiment for a few times to see how consistant the data are.


※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: the-network-asy]

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