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Re: DNA microarry bioinformatics?
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:golem] , 2001年05月15日08:21:07
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发信人: golem (人棍东方必败), 信区: Biology
标 题: Re: DNA microarry bioinformatics?
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Tue May 15 08:58:37 2001) WWW-POST

the principle is quite the same as DNA microarray except it
employs protein-protein interation in stead of annealing of
oligo DNA. Normally a chip coated with epitopes is used to
detect a cell flow. The opitic character will change if any
cell surfact would interact with any epitope on the chip. It
is very cool to study the surface protein interaction. Johns
Hopkins has a website and service for this tech.
It is a nascent technique as I know.

Another powerful tech for protein identification is mass
coupled peptide analysis.

Given the whole genome known for model organisms, the next
step is to use high resolution tech to get pure protein
(e.g. 2D followed by cutting and elution with robotic
action),then use mass spectrometry to determine the exact
mass and pI value of this
protein, then blast the data in the genome to figure out
what protein it is. This tech is hightly recommended for
2010 project at present.

【 在 yanan (花自飘零水自流) 的大作中提到: 】
: what is surface plasmon resonance?
: I read their website, there are some paper just named"protein microarray".
: xixi, ban men nong fu lah.
: 【 在 golem (人棍东方必败) 的大作中提到: 】
: : This technique is called surface plasmon resonance. A very
: : promising technique that may advance greatly due to the 2001
: : project.


※ 修改:·golem 於 May 15 08:58:37 修改本文·[FROM: hjpatt-136.umd.]
※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: hjpatt-136.umd.]

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