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Re: [转载] Re: Bioinformatics 冬天已经来了--它的春天在哪里
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:leohawk] , 2002年05月09日09:25:29
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发信人: leohawk (leohawk), 信区: Biology
标 题: Re: [转载] Re: Bioinformatics 冬天已经来了--它的春天在哪里?
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Thu May 9 10:04:18 2002), 转信

I think bioinformatics in a research sense has no good future, not yet,
neither academic nor industry... competition in academic is getting tougher.

Once a prominent scientist (VP of HHMI) told me he think the ratio of
biologist and bioinformatics in academic should be 10:1, the current
ratio is 30:1 (or someting like that)... not sure if he is still keeping
his idea.

Bioinformatics in industry is totally different, if you are only involved
in data support(storage, query), I am sure this kind of people is in
good demand, it is more like CS. Or, if you can do a lot of meaning search
in a large scale and generate report... it is still something industry needs

I personally think there is a long way for bioinfo to be really useful... as
one guy on this board once mentioned, bioinfo follows the latest bio research
technology... and it is hard for it to take the lead before there is
enough information collected to let it make sense of it.

【 在 optimist (乐观派) 的大作中提到: 】
: 【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
: 【 原文由 optimist 所发表 】
: hoho,怎么偶的感觉是bioinformatics的春天还没有来,冬天就已经降临了呢? hehe..just
: kidding...
: but,确实是,不知道为什么,越多了解这个方向,越不怎么看好它的市场行情.请注意,我指
: 它的实用及market方面,not accademic方面.如有异义,欢迎讨论.
: 首先,感觉bioinformatics目前更多的处于Academic阶段,而且它跨的几个领域互相之间缺
: 乏沟通.mathmatics cares formular,computer scientiest cares algorithms,
: biologiest cares real results...they don't care each other's own need.
: 其次,目前这个领域真正赚钱的市场太少,没有令人信得过的结论或产品出炉,谁会往里面
: 投资呢? 大家也知道,bioinformatics离了data是不行的,可是data = 投资money.大部分
: 的钱还是要往experiemental方面投,eventually bioinformatics的结果也需要实验来
: 验证,从这个角度想,bioinformatics只能是辅助科学了,kind of luxious.
: 只要少数大实验室或公司能有闲钱去养活自己的bioinformatics research group,而且
: 有实力去出一些还比较令人信服的成果.
: 再看看celera Craig venture的结局,更是让人心凉.他是推崇functional bioinformatics
: 的,而且更倾向基础研究的.可是基础研究是周期长,见效慢,来钱也慢的.如果没有挣
: 钱的行当养着,早就撑不住了.他的离职是意料之中的事情,celera的转型也是必然的.
: bioinformatics也分不同领域,感觉和生物学一样,偏基础研究的水平虽然高,但是
: 太偏理论不容易拿funding,除非你已经做得牛皮轰轰了,偏应用的是拿钱,比如偏药物
: discovery,protein structure prediction,cancer diagonosis,但是research并不
: 一定需要很深入.就看你喜欢做什么拉.
: 随便聊聊感受,未必对.大家可以讨论讨论.
: 【 在 blast (快A) 的大作中提到: 】
: : 先有Celera 的总裁 Craig Venture 辞职,因为公司不愿意让他继续搞 讨论区 [sysop]
: : bioinformatics.
: : 现在又有一家比较著名的公司倒闭关门, doubletwist, DoubleTwist 当初是被给予很大
: : 希望,结果IPO不成,弄钱一分钱也弄不到,75 million 全部burn out.
: : 听一个朋友说,现在一个bioinformatics job opening, 求职的resume 会送来几百份。
: : sigh.

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM:]

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