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Re: Help!!! A chromosome problem leads to miscarriage
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:leohawk] , 2002年05月30日22:51:34
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发信人: leohawk (leohawk), 信区: Biology
标 题: Re: Help!!! A chromosome problem leads to miscarriage
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Thu May 30 23:03:00 2002), 转信

chromosome problem leads to early death of the fetus, this is actually a good
mechanism for a species in that they don't invest too much on a bad starting

the pairing of chromosome during meiosis will be totally screwed by the
chromosome translocation, so, the percentage can't be calculated accurately as
you stated, as the translocated portion of the chromosome will interfer with
the pairing between homologous chromosomes, the separation won't be like
in normal meiosis.

Thus the chance of having a good egg is very low ... as miss paired
chromosome will sure affect the proper segregation of the chromosome, which is
the essense of meiosis.

I don't know why someone suggested using Y chromosome probe, probably use
it to make sure you have a boy instead of girl, so eliminate the chance of
passing this disease further down...

gene therapy definitely won't solve the problem, at least no way at now. Sorry
I don't know the chance of artificial fertilization... this rate won't help
in this case as you won't have a healthy egg to start with... I think the best
way is to buy a good egg.

【 在 classical (目光里的青春时节) 的大作中提到: 】
: Thanks a lot for everyone that replied.
: I know maybe adopting a child is the easy way to do. However, just like
: middlerain said, to my friend, if there is any hope of having her own baby, it
: is difficult to give it up.
: Here is the information I heard:
: She has 50% chance of getting a healthy baby. 50% of this 50% chance, that is,
: 25% in whole, the baby is normal, another 50% of this 50% chance of giving
: birth a baby who has the same chromosome problem like her but looks healthy.
: If this baby with chromosome problem grows up and gets married, if it is a he,
: his sperm can not contain problematic chromosome since abnormal sperm can not
: survive, if it is a she, she has the same problem that her mother faces. So
: the person who gives this suggestion suggests my friend to buy a Y chromosome
: probe as well. What is you guys' opnion?
: Does anyone know what is the success rate of tube fertilization?
: Is there any better way to solve it like gene therapy?
: I'm not a bio student. You guys advice will be valuable to my friend. If you
: know there is any discussion group regarding chromosome, would you please give
: me the link?
: Any suggestion is welcomed. Thanks a lot in advance!
: 【 在 middlerain (不大不小,非雪非霜) 的大作中提到: 】
: : 我想现在不是讨论该不该做,而是怎么做,大家帮忙找找资料,多
: : 提供一点建议吧。
: : 我们祝她好运。
: do
: problem.
: ;17
: 身体
: 为什
: ,外
: 生下
: 受。
: 一种
: 很玄
: 而且
: 功率
: 建议
: 不知
: ,以

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM:]

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