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cs vs bio
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:leohawk] , 2002年07月25日09:39:34
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发信人: leohawk (leohawk), 信区: Biology
标 题: cs vs bio
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Thu Jul 25 09:51:34 2002), 转信

we had a lot of discussion about CS and Bio, I happened to experienced
both, but I think I like Bio much better, probably because I spent more
time on it.

running protein elution gel and you have to go through all the procedures to get to the step...
screening a genomic library and get the gene you want... doing a western...
sent out purified protein and wait for antibody to come back, and found out
no antibody in it... or doing a fluorescence labeling which will take 3 days
to finish and another whole day to get data, with high chance you get
nothing out of it ...

you can imagine how stressful it can be ... I can't imagine I can do all
these again. Actually, what you think might be so interesting when you
talk about it can be really dull when you have to do it. That's why all
boss rarely do experiments themselves, they think, and they hire someone
to do the work... I would say most people like to do bio in such a way.
but, to become a boss, you have to go through all these, and LUCK plays
80% of the game if not 100% for the people who are the same diligent.

on the CS part, debugging a large program overnight can also be very
stressful, actually, it stress your brain way more than in bio world.However,
you can find a job with much less effort to get paid more than in bio with a
lot more effort.(my experience in CS is limited, this may not be revelant).

Bio can extend your imagination, and you have a hypothesis and you want to
verified it... though CS has the same thing, they go different way to reach
the end...

the only thing matters is WHAT you really like to do, if all the torture in
other people's eye become fun for yourself, just go for it.

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 208.245.]

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