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Re: 问? 有关pharmacology--help please!
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:bunnysky] , 2002年09月07日00:41:37
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发信人: bunnysky (happytiger), 信区: Biology
标 题: Re: 问? 有关pharmacology--help please!
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Sat Sep 7 00:41:37 2002) WWW-POST

Before 2002, a student with a bachelor degree in pharmaceutical science can be
a pharmacist if they can past the board exam. But after 2002, only pharmD can
be pharmacist after they graduate and they need to take board exam to get
liscence. . Before 2002 ( maybe early, can't remember the exact time), a
foreign pharmacist (they have pharmacist liscence in their own country) can
work in usa pharmacy store or hospital after they work as intern in a pharmacy
store for 2000 hrs in a year. But things changed now, they are also required
to have a pharmD degree from a usa pharmacy school, because after many years
survey they found the quanlity of foreign pharmacist is not good.【 在
littledragon (小扇子) 的大作中提到: 】
: If that means only people who have PharmD can be pharmacists in usa? Do
: PharmDs still need to take special test to get certification?
: 【 在 bunnysky (happytiger) 的大作中提到: 】
: : Pharmacy doesn't have any Ph.D, the degree is named PharmD. If you want to
: : choose it, you must pay at least $20,000 for tuition every year even if
: : are in very common pharmacy school. No tuition waiver in any pharmacy
: in
: : usa. You can be a pharmacist after 6 years, PharmD is much better that a
: : Ph.D.accrding to income and job market, but you need to have enough money
: : pay your tuition.
: :
: : For pharmaceutics, you also need to have biology background, without
: biology,
: : you can do nothing in this field. You also need to have physical chemistry
: : bachground.
: :
: : 【 在 NumLock (特困生) 的大作中提到: 】
: : : yes, he is absolutely right.
: : :
: : : 【 在 Idonotknow (不雅) 的大作中提到: 】
: : : : Thank you for your reply! It seems to me that pharmacology is a
: : theoretical
: : : : field but pharmacy and pharmaceutics are applied bio-science. (I have
: : almost
: : : : no biology background at all:()
: : : :
: : : : 【 在 Ras (很颓的猪。) 的大作中提到: 】
: : : : :
: : : : : pharmacology is quite different from pharmacy or pharmaceutics (any
: : : : : university has major named this?), the latter two are pretty good
: : : : : for job market. pharmacology itself is not much different
: : : : : from most other biochem/molecular/cell bio majors.
: : : : :
: : : : :
: : : : : 【 在 Idonotknow (不雅) 的大作中提到: 】
: : : : : : 我帮好友问,念pharmacology或与之有关的专业的PHD(比如pharmaceutics)

: 前
: : 途
: : : 吗?
: : : : 申
: : : : : : 请的时候offer好拿吗?各位大虾能否提供一点信息,那些学校的这个专业好?

: 生
: : 化
: : : 背
: : : : 景够
: : : : : : 不够?毕了业去向都有那些? ...多谢了!
: : : : :

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 68.53.]

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