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Re: 拜托,发个言呐!Re: Your suggestion is appreciated..
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:yuffie] , 2002年11月07日22:42:36
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发信人: yuffie (天天想你), 信区: Biology
标 题: Re: 拜托,发个言呐!Re: Your suggestion is appreciated..
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Thu Nov 7 22:42:36 2002) WWW-POST

I do not know if I made it clear. Let me give an example. You might know the
alternative theory to evelution, one of them is "Acquired trait can be
inherited". I remember someone did one experiment, he will chop off the tail
of mouse before they mate, and he did it for something like 20 generations.
He found out that the new-born from short-tailed mouse have the same length of
tail on average compared with long-tailed mouse. Conclusion: At least for
tail-length this trait, acquired trait (short-tail) cannot be inherited in at
least 20 generations.

That is an experimemnt. However, for evelution, it is even difficult to
design such a experiment (I had to admit that experiment is kind of stupid,
and may not be real story). The question becomes, how can you tell? Nature
did present a lot examples, but they might not have good controls (negative as
well as positive controls like we do in the lab), a lot of things might just
happened by chance and never will be repeated (that is birds are evolved from
reptiles, but if they did not millions years ago, they may never appear on
earth, and some other flying species might appear instead).

Right now, just no valid alternatives can explain all those things as well as
evelution theory did. If you are a regular reader of Science, or Sciensfic
American, there are always new theory every couple months, and I think they
are just too wierd to be ture.


※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 136.165.]

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