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Re: 请教: A question in Molecular Evolution
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:springerz] , 2002年12月17日15:04:27
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发信人: springerz (乡愁四韵), 信区: Biology
标 题: Re: 请教: A question in Molecular Evolution
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Tue Dec 17 15:10:11 2002), 站内信件

there may be at least two possibilities
one is the change in the regulatory region of this gene,thus its expression
pattern is altered,though still the same protein.
the other could be the change of the transcription factor binding to this gene
and changed its expression pattern. but how is the change in the upstream
transcription factor,is it possibly protein level evolution?I dont know.
This may interest many of the researches,for they are the primary evolution
gene,not the secondary ones whose expression is altered by the primary genes
although they themselvs may not have any change either in coding or non-coding
【 在 brights (忍冬) 的大作中提到: 】
: For these two ideas, I prefer the later, because of my experiment result.
: From the comparison of some sequences among human and some other non-human
: primates, it showed seldom differences in the coding region, but on the
: regulatory sequences,there are a lot differences.And these genes have been
: proved very important in cognitive skills, and some of them determines the
: brain size. We can, of course, look on it as a normal phenomena, but how could
: we prove it? For the experiment result, there's no difference in one of the
: conding sequences between human and chimp. but the cognitive skills of these
: two species are actually different. The altered gene expression may be the
: reason that causes the differences in behavioral and congnitive aspects
: between theses species.(mentioned in 1975 by a group in UCSD) So the
: differences in regulatory regions may do something in this process. who knows?

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 144.92.]

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