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Re: 请教metabolism
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:musician] , 2003年01月27日22:25:07
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发信人: musician (自由心), 信区: Biology
标 题: Re: 请教metabolism
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Mon Jan 27 22:32:32 2003), 站内信件

People from different fields are certainly very important.
The problems are
1) imperfect (if not erroreous) data (especially these from
high-throughput studies like yeast two hybrid screens). Many
biological data are VERY biased - due to imperfect technique,
historical reasons, etc.
2) Lack of apprepiation
from the theoretists side, lack of understanding of the
biological problems
from the biologists side, problems of understanding what
the theoretists are talking about
3) Lack of experimental validation of theories - this is a
killer for the biologists, if you ask any biologist, the first
thing he will ask is how do you test it (experimentally) - this
has been changing with new technologies, etc.
In summary, I will be very interested in these papers (actually
I myself have done some study on this). But I will 200%
cautious in intepretting these papers.
【 在 middleman (in the middle) 的大作中提到: 】
: Barabasi just published a new book, which may be of interest:
: i=glance
: His personal Homepage is at:
: He presented fascinating ideas, which are at least inspiring biologists to
: think what they are studying from a rather different perspective and some
: collaborations between traditional rather different disciplines, e.g.,
: biology, computer science, and statistics. BTW, I am a fourth year graduating
: CS student.
: Wish your comments!
: 【 在 cnyy (tea) 的大作中提到: 】
: : It's elegant and simple but biologists won't appreciate these.
: : I am in biophysics major as first year graduate student and I am from
: physics
: : background totally. Barabasi is a phycisist in statistical physics.
: : Why you care so much about biologists appreciate it or not?
: : There are no many theorists in biology before. So you can't expect the trend
: : changes so quickly.
: : Power law is just the first step, if no further development( such as can you
: : differentiate or group different biological network by different power or
: : other topology characteristic network? Is there continuous characteristics
: to
: : characterize the order of a network? In nowdays theory, it can only
: : differentiate random network and network with order, it's far from enough in
: : my opinion)It will be just interesting, no biological significance.
: : You can ask for other pure biologist's opinion. But I guess they have no
: time
: : to read the article......
: : The power law stuff(not only in network theory) has been a game for many
: years
: : among guys dealing with complex system. It really means some elegant
: : universality, but it's not enough.
: : and
: that
: : know
: his
: biology.
: seems
: will
: : know
: stuff.
: it.
: : I
: laws
: : in
: : and


※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 65.96.]

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