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Re: MCBJC-call for discussion
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:kandel] , 2003年03月16日20:01:56
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发信人: kandel (迷路的小孩Mao JJ的弟弟), 信区: Biology
标 题: Re: MCBJC-call for discussion
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Sun Mar 16 20:01:56 2003) WWW-POST

I read the paper briefly, and I'm still not clear what the authors want to
claim. But the paper is helpful to think the synapse formation issue more
broadly. that it's perhaps not only the pre or postsynaptic factors can
tragger the specificity and differenticiation of pre/postsynapse,but probably
the envirmental factors can also contribute to this process. what's is crucial
is to clarify which is more predominant. But all the work is in C.E, for
mammalian, we should get some powerful system to do this kind of research. Who
has some smart idea to build up an powerful system or assay to investigate
this question in mamalian??

as far as I know, even you block the mEPSC, and there are no spontanouse
transmitter release, there are still clusters of AMPA receptors. how can they
achieve that?

【 在 assasin (冷血---何时能被加热?) 的大作中提到: 】
: Marble, kandel and others, have u read the aper and have sth to say?
: 【 在 assasin (冷血---何时能被加热?) 的大作中提到: 】
: : MCBJC, cellular neurobiology, Mar. 10, 2003, by Assasin
: :
: : ***I decide to volunteer to make a presentation for the delayed and missed
: : MCBJC for this week. hope the folks who agreed to participate MCBJC take
: their
: : duty and keep it running.***
: :
: :
: :
: :
: : paper:
: :
: : Shen K. and Bargmann C. I. (2003) The immunoglobulin superfamily protein
: SYG-1
: : determines the location of specific synapses in C. elegans. Cell 112,
: 619-630.
: :
: : Comments:
: :
: : This is a good paper on synaptogenesis during C. elegans development.
: : Synaptogenesis has been extensively studied in mouse and fly neuromuscular
: : junction. And it has enriched our understanding on the molecular and
: cellular
: : mechanism of synaptogenesis. Instead studying synaptogenesis in C. elegans
: is
: : kind of new. This paper addressed an almost untouched fundamental
: : question in cellular neurobiology, that is how a specific synaptic site is
: : chosen from many potential contacting sites a neuron’s axon makes.
: : The authors indentified an Ig superfamily protein, SYG-1, as a candidate
: : receptor for synaptic specificity. What’s surprising is that the signal
: : SYG-1 is not from the post-synaptic partner, the VC neurons. Instead, it’
: : coming from the neighboring vulval epithelial cells. So it seemed that the
: : pre- and post-synaptic apparatus for constructing the synapse are not the
: : factors responsible for specifying where the synapse is going to form. The
: : factor is from the epithelial cell onto which the axon branch does not
: : synaptic button. The results suggest the following model of synaptogenesis
: in
: : C. elegans.
: :
: : Guide post signal
: : 1 1
: : 1 1
: : 1 1
: : V 1
: : Receptor on axon (SYG-1) 1
: : 1 1 ??

寻人启事: 那个PPMM愿意做偶的JJ呀? 请联系Kandel帥哥@ MIT BBS.


※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 162.129.]

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