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Re: MCBJC-Nature421, 187 - 190(09, Jan, 2003
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:Marble] , 2003年03月18日23:14:41
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发信人: Marble (小石头哥哥), 信区: Biology
标 题: Re: MCBJC-Nature421, 187 - 190(09, Jan, 2003
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Tue Mar 18 23:14:41 2003) WWW-POST

this paper addressed the regulation of the transcription factor Ste12, which
is involved in formation of filamentous form of yeast in response to nutrition
limit stress. i did not read the 1998 Cell paper in which another gene, the
CDK8 kinase (i.e., srb10 in s. cerevisiae), was found to be involved in the
stress response, while the mutation of srb10 showed more transcription of
Ste12-responsive genes. and they found the effect of srb10 was dependent upon
ste12 from the epistasis analysis. actually Ste12 is substrate of Srb10, while
the phosphorylation by Srb10 decreases stability of Ste12. and the scenario is
basically like this:

under normal growth condition, active Srb10 phosphorylates Ste12 and Ste12 is
rapidly turned over; under depletion of nutrition, Srb10 activity is repressed
and Ste12 survives from the phosphorylation-degradation to up-regulation
transcription of Ste12-responsive genes.

i do not know very much about this story, yet i think they were lucky to get
it published on Nature; maybe the reviewers/ editors thought that it was
insightful to folks working on mammalian CDKs. however, think about the
complexity of metazoan, the dramatic change of living environment and the
diversity of stress situations, it is not quite easy to analyze the targets of
CDK kinases. btw, about this paper, i think they should apply proteomics to
study the protein associates with CDK8:). and it is interesting to address how
phosphorylation of Ste12 decreases its stability.

i will be out of town for a week, you folks enjoy the spring; not too many
spring dreams though.

【 在 Geneporter (Geneporter) 的大作中提到: 】
: Sorry Folks, this is a late MCBJC.
: This article is interesting to me because they propose that regulation of
: by changing the stability of txn factors. Though I am not in the field of
: yeast molecular biology, but it's pretty valuable to think about any
: targets of cdk8 in mammalian cells. This kind of mechanism could be a
: mechanism to regulate gene txn.
: Welcome to raise any questions or comments.

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 130.203.]

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