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down with cheaters Re: 急:bioinformatic的请进
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:torjan] , 2003年05月22日17:21:22
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发信人: torjan (有个性的昵称), 信区: Biology
标 题: down with cheaters Re: 急:bioinformatic的请进
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Thu May 22 17:22:06 2003), 转信

that is not the point. one without a sincere interest can pretend to have
sincere interest. it is practically infeasible for the
admission committee to verify the sincerity of every applicant's expressed
interest. thus a pretender can take up the resource which could have been
used to support one with a sincere interest. instead of blaming the one
with bogus interest, you argument blames the one with sincere interest.
with all due respect, i have to disagree.

to make the situation worse, a usual strategy exploited, and a well
justified one, is to trust until there is enough negative feedback to
abandon the trust. unfortunately, but understandably, many if not most
phd programs do maintain a profiler based on previous admittants' nation,
undergraduate schools predict possible future applicant's performance.
their admission strategy is based
at least partially ob the prediction of such profiler. the existence of
cheaters from china tips the balance of reputation of chinese applicants
to the negative end, the abundance of such cheaters can destroy
their reputation.

in short, it is unfair for this cheater's peers for they suffer from his
dishonest behaviour; it is unfair for the phd program for their resources
are wasted; it also hurts the cheater himself in the long run not only
because he sacrifices his dignity and honesty for some temperal wordly
gain but also because in most cases a path initiated by cheating leads to
deep disgratification in the end.

the "play by the rule" thing in your reply is ambiguous. but
let me assume for the sake of arguement that you mean that the cheating
applicant should play by the rules stipulated in the phd program during
his application and should play by the same rules after his
metriculation. but such expectation is inherently self-contradictory, for
a cheater violates the first rule of any phd program, namely, honesty.
you may argue that such an application can clearly write in his personal
statement "i just want to use your program as a stepping stone so that i
will not be kicked out of this country. whatever kind of research you
guys conduct is fine with me for i honestly do not give a damn to
whatever you do." --- common sense tells us such honesty is extremely
rare, if possible at all, in cheaters....

【 在 tianyu (tttt) 的大作中提到: 】
: well, if a PhD student with a sincere interest is easily challenged
: by somebody without one, maybe he shouldn't stay in that business either.
: I'm not against people using PhD program as a stepping stone, as long as
: the game is played by rule.
: 【 在 torjan (有个性的昵称) 的大作中提到: 】
: : why don't you simply get a technian job intead of wasting the resources that
: : could be used to support some phd students with a sincere interest in bioinformatics?
: : we've already had too many students, esp chinese students, who use the phd program
: : as a stepping stone to get into u.s. or stay in u.s. or get a better paid job.
: : please don't add yourself to this long long list.....there are other ways, more
: : honest and more satisfying ways to achieve your purpose, tech job, law school,
: : b-shcool, med school....

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 152.3.]

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