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[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:whitesea] , 2003年06月28日01:56:00
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发信人: whitesea (rock), 信区: Biology
标 题: Re: 请教一个生活问题
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Sat Jun 28 01:56:00 2003) WWW-POST

What mites don't like

Cold and dryness. Good ventilation, being exposed to the atmosphere to dry up,
direct light. Temperatures over 60 degrees centigrade and under freezing will
kill them. Some chemicals will also kill them. The dust mites worst possible
room is:

somewhere with a dry climate - like the Alps or Arizona
no carpet (stone, wood or lino)
no soft furnishings at all
window wide open
no heating

Step by Step Around the House

Carpets are an ideal place for dust to settle. When you walk on them the dust
is thrown into the air and even the best vacuum cleaners leave some dust. The
best thing is to get rid of them and either have bare floorboards, which when
polished up actually look very nice, of lino or stone. People in flats may not
be able to do this for reasons of noise. In this instance a short pile carpet
is a good idea and a very good vacuum cleaner used regularly.

Much the same applies. Wooden blinds or plastic curtains are ideal. Damp dust
them regularly (weekly) to stop the dust building up.

Wash all bedding regularly (weekly) in temperatures above 60 degrees
centigrade. This gets rid of dust and kill mites.

Mattresses harbour lots of dust. Turn the mattress over regularly and vacuum
it with a good vacuum cleaner. An old mattress should really be replaced.

Mattress and Pillow covers
Probably the single most important item to get. They stop the dust getting at
the mattress and pillows and stop the mites under them getting out. The
cheapest are available from Argos (mediguard) at around £12-15 for a
single mattress cover and pillowcase, more for a double. These may not last
very long. A variety of more expensive ones are available (ask at a department
store, Boots or other chemists, or look on the internet) and can cost
£100 or so. The mattress and pillow covers will also need to be washed
at 60 degrees regularly. Plastic sheets are great because they are so
impermeable, but a bit sweaty and uncomfortable in long term use, and there is
a risk of suffocation in children.

A lot of pillows and some duvets are sold as 'Anti allergic' or non -
allergic. This normally only means that they are non feather. In fact dust can
still build up inside these pillows, so they are not as effective on their own
as you might think. You will still need to use dust proof pillow cases on
Just get rid of very old pillows, regardless of type. They will be heaving
with dust.

Making the Bed
Instead of making the bed normally, turn the duvet down to expose the mattress
and underneath of the duvet every morning and leave it like that until
bedtime. This will expose the mites to light, cold and ventilation and dry
them out.

Upholstered furniture traps dust. Ban all upholstered chairs and sofas from
the bedroom. Plastic, leather or wood is fine. In the rest of the house this
helps, but is less important.

Furry toys
Unfotunaltely many children go to bed clutching bears, rabbits and a wide
variety of other wildlife. Sadly, this is bad news as they will be full of
mites and dust. The best thing is to get rid of them completely and if your
child wants something to cuddle, a blanket (especially a cotton one) is ideal,
as long as you can regularly wash it at 60 degrees. If parting with teddy is a
worse prospect than the underlying problem, then regularly wash it in the
machine (when your child is looking the other way). Tumble dry on hot to be
extra sure.

Putting teddy into the chest freezer for 24 hours sounds a bit bizarre, and
you may find it difficult to explain this satisfactorily to your 3 year old.
However, this will kill all the mites in it, so it will help. Unfortunately,
the dust will still be there, so the mites will come back quite quickly.
Pillows can be treated this way too, if you have freezer space. It would be a
good idea to put the items into a plastic bag first however.

Vacuum Cleaners
You want a vacuum cleaner to keep the dust inside it and not spray it back out
all over the room. Get the best one you can realistically afford. Don't spend
thousands, usually one costing a few hundred pounds is good enough,
Ask advice form the British Allergy Foundation or the Consumers Association
in the UK if you are not sure. Very expensive cleaners, usually sold
aggressively by door to door salesmen are not really that much better, and
often ludicrously priced.
It may sound obvious, but get someone other than the allergy sufferer to empty
the bag.

A variety of chemical preparations to kill mites are available. These
certainly kill mites, but in practice, the evidence that they make a lot of
difference to the overall picture is less convincing. I am also a bit
skeptical of putting any insect killing chemicals too near the bed, despite
the safety guarantees, so I would personally not advocate the use of these

Mites certainly like humidity and centrally heated British homes usually have
plenty of it. Don't be too tempted to buy an expensive de-humidifier. The
expert view is that they will reduce the humidity, say from 60% to 50%, but
this is nowhere near enough to make any difference to the mites. Better to
make sure that the room is well ventilated and cool.

Don't have your heating on too high. Better to be a bit cooler and put on a
jumper. This sounds old fashioned but it will make a difference.


【 在 cnyy (tea) 的大作中提到: 】
: 什么东东可以用来杀mites??
: 在Walmart看了半天,雷达的系列产品都没说能杀mites的,没看到针对mite的产品。
: 真惨,今天医生做切片检查说欧有mites that burrow under the skin, depositing
: s and feces and causing painful irritation,弄得欧浑身起鸡皮疙瘩,恶心死了。
: 开了个药涂脖子以下的所有部分。
: 但我估计房间里可能有来源。
: 除了用热水洗以下衣服和床单之外,就想喷点能杀mites的。
: 3X.

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 128.113.]

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