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Salary Survey Shows Who’s in the Genome
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:solmn] , 2003年08月21日01:17:01
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发信人: solmn (wukong), 信区: Biology
标 题: Salary Survey Shows Who’s in the Genome
发信站: Unknown Space (Thu Aug 21 01:17:01 2003) WWW-POST

NEW YORK, Aug. 6 (Genome Technology) - Are you paid what you're worth? Would
you be better off in a bigger company? At a government agency? With a more
advanced degree?

After culling through the data from GT's first-ever genomics salary survey, we
tell you who gets the best pay by job title, company size, and sector (public
or private). Results come from a survey conducted this summer of nearly 12,000
readers of Genome Technology magazine - a group comprised of scientists who
work for pharmaceutical or biotechnology companies, at universities, in
government labs or for agriscience, computing, and analytical instrumentation
companies, as well as those who work for vendors that provide software or
data-mining tools or consumables or lab supplies.

Our respondents are a highly educated group. More than half hold PhDs. Three
percent have MDs, and six percent have MBAs. Most - 39 percent - list their
job title as either senior level or staff level scientist, researcher,
technologist, or programmer. Another 18 percent are at the senior level with
the titles chairman, CEO, president, COO, CSO, CTO, vice president, director,
or senior manager. The titles of the remainder include lab technician, service
engineer, business development, professor, principal investigator, post-doc,
core lab manager, technician, and technology transfer officer.

The stats reveal, among other things, which organization types have had
layoffs, where in the country the most paycuts have happened, and which
employees seem most confident of raises and bonuses this year. Whether you're
a CEO, senior scientist, or core lab manager, you should be able to measure
your position against your peers.

One caveat: This being our first annual salary survey, what we can't tell you
is how the current career climate compares to years past. More than one-fourth
of respondents went without a pay raise in the past 12 months, and an even
greater number expect no raise this year. While only four percent of
respondents had the personal experience of being laid off in the past year,
nearly half of them witnessed their colleagues get the pink slip. Is this
better or worse than years past? We'll have to wait till 2004 to do that kind
of reporting.

But we can tell you how you compare to the general population. Although the
Bureau of Labor Statistics does not collect data specific to genomics sector
work, the mean annual salary for the group it calls life, physical, and social
science occupations was $49,710 in 2001. Among GT survey respondents, the most
commonly reported salary range was $75,000 to $99,999.

We can also tell you that as a group, GT readers have come a long way. We
asked respondents to tell us what their salary range was five years ago. On
average, you say you're earning about $50,000 more today than you were five
years ago. That means you're doing far better than cost-of-living increases
each year, but we have a feeling this group has been climbing the ladder a
little faster than your average professional.

A Few Numbers

Some quick stats from our survey:

11% of respondents say their last employer is out of business

46% of respondents say their employer has had layoffs in the past year

4% of respondents have been laid off in the past year

Median salary range of all respondents five years ago: $30,000-$49,000

Median salary range of all respondents: $75,000-$99,000

Median salary range by degree:

MDs: $100,000-$124,999

PhDs: $75,000-$99,999

MBAs: $75,000-$99,999

Don't go away! The charts, graphs, and stats in this article give you salary
info every which way we could think of slicing it. See salary ranges by job
title and organization size. Find out who got raises, who expects raises, who
saw layoffs at their companies, and where the layoffs occurred throughout the
US. We also tell you who's highest paid in each job category, and how
CEO-level compensation, perks, and concerns compare to those of their
employees. Check it all out in this month's issue of

※ 来源:.Unknown Space[FROM: 66.52.]

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