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The club Re: should we change board style?
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:leohawk] , 2003年09月13日07:12:35
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发信人: leohawk (leohawk), 信区: Biology
标 题: The club Re: should we change board style?
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Sat Sep 13 07:15:19 2003), 转信

It didn't last long, pretty sad, and I think Marble tried his/her best
on this but usually there is few response to a discussion... except
for the first several paper.

And that' is whay I think we should focus on only one topic for a whole
month, which will give people enough time to prepare and think it over. I
also think we can have a forecast for next month's topic, such interested
people can read and prepare for it.

let's get this started....!

【 在 alucart (相见不如怀念) 的大作中提到: 】
: do u remember the MCBJournal club...
: maybe we should continue it...someone could recommend some updated
: paper, or some new techs as you said and those who are interested
: in it can have some disscussion on it....
: 【 在 leohawk (leohawk) 的大作中提到: 】
: : I think there are too many paper help... no offense though, I just
: : think too much of it is not good... how about using smileface's web
: : site and have a specific board for it?
: : Another thing I think is missing from our board: system and serious
: : discussion on biological related topics, strategies, perspectives, etc.
: : I am not saying there is no such topics, they are just rare, very rare...
: : Most of the topics here seems to be related with sometimes naive
: : technical problems ... sorry if I say this, these things get the most
: : response on the board :( -- I am not saying it is wrong, though.
: : How about each month we have a focus on certain topic? we can vote for
: : a certain technology, certain research area and water on it... thus, at
: : least we will all learn something and to speak here, we will have to
: : read and learn... which is always good.

※ 来源:.Unknown Space - 未名空间[FROM: 204.52.]

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