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Second Paper - Random Journal Club
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:doggiebear] , 2003年10月25日16:02:55
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发信人: doggiebear (doggiebear), 信区: Biology
标 题: Second Paper - Random Journal Club
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Sat Oct 25 16:02:55 2003) WWW-POST

HI, all,

I eventually find a second paper for our random journal club. I first
randomly pick a letter from S, N, C and P, representing Science, Nature, Cell
and PNAS. I got C. Then I choose a month. It is 04/2003. There are two issues
in that month. I use a coin to pick one. It is the 04/18 issue. I go to its
preview. There are four of them. I randomly choose one. It is the second one,
named as: Global Phage Diversity (Cell, Vol 113, 141, 18 April 2003).

Here is the citation and summary of that paper. Please read it and give
any comments.

Cell, Vol 113, 171-182, 18 April 2003


Origins of Highly Mosaic Mycobacteriophage Genomes
Marisa L. Pedulla et. al


Bacteriophages are the most abundant organisms in the biosphere and play major

roles in the ecological balance of microbial life. The genomic sequences of
ten newly isolated mycobacteriophages suggest that the bacteriophage
population as a whole is amazingly diverse and may represent the largest
unexplored reservoir of sequence information in the biosphere. Genomic
comparison of these mycobacteriophages contributes to our understanding of the

mechanisms of viral evolution and provides compelling evidence for the role of

illegitimate recombination in horizontal genetic exchange. The promiscuity of
these recombination events results in the inclusion of many unexpected genes
including those implicated in mycobacterial latency, the cellular and immune
responses to mycobacterial infections, and autoimmune diseases such as human
lupus. While the role of phages as vehicles of toxin genes is well
established, these observations suggest a much broader involvement of phages
in bacterial virulence and the host response to bacterial infections.

I will vote a democrat even he is a dog.
Liberalism is something to be proud of!
※ 来源:.Unknown Space - 未名空间[FROM: 208.180.]

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