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Re: Please give me some encouragement
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:cellulose] , 2003年12月08日02:55:11
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发信人: cellulose (cellulose), 信区: Biology
标 题: Re: Please give me some encouragement
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Mon Dec 8 02:55:11 2003) WWW-POST

Yes, I know it is difficult. But I really tried very very hard in my exo-lab.I
did not have my project, the boss doesn't trust you at all, the postdoc is
actually my boss, if he abuse you then you die very terribly.And I always
forgot to put things back in -20 or western over ran......I hate the ethanol
smell in the lab also, and I was terrified by the northern contamination once
happened to me...
I am taking statistics classes this semester.Not too difficult, and I like
computation. (My math was always good.) But when I went to the group meeting,
I felt blank. I did not know what they were talking about when the student was
showing his recent progress.I think programming is better than experiement,
some shit experiements just didn't work no matter what I tried. But I know I
will be in progress if I do programming. Actually through this semester's S
plus programming I feel good. And also, my husband is a PhD in computer
science, but he does't have time to teach me. :(
【 在 fabian (大红豆片) 的大作中提到: 】
: maybe you should do more investigation before you change lab.
: Computer science is quite different from bench work. According
: to my TA experience, there are good molecular biology students
: who just can't catch system biology. It's an interesting field,
: but you need to know what you are getting into before you make
: the change. I think knowledge in programming and probability&
: statistics is most important. Programming is not that hard. Anybody
: can learn it, slow and fast. But you may hate it. I know people
: do. Try some introductory books and see if you enjoy those.
: On the other hand, benchwork sometimes requires patience and
: luck. One may have trouble in his experiment for a while, but
: that doesn't mean he's bad.
: 【 在 cellulose (cellulose) 的大作中提到: 】
: : I dreamed to do biology when I was in high school. But I was not able to
: : into Beida for a few points less than required. Then assigned to a
: : second-class univeristy to study Food Engineering. But the strong love of
: : biology drove me back and fortunitely I came to a best univeristy.I
changed 2
: : labs in the last two years, the first boss was a bad-tempered bitch. The
: : second is a member in Academy of Science, so famous and airy lady that she
: : never takes care of graduate students. I worked days and nights, but the
: : experiments were worse and worse.Together with other reason(the complex
: : relationships in the lab, there are 16 postdocs in my exo-lab).I could not
: : stand any more and came out. Next semester I will join a system biology
lab in
: : UCSF, doing in sillico cell modeling, never need to do those stupid
: : experimetns any more. But I am scared by my first 2 years experience. I do
: : feel I am good any more, my confidence is getting less and less, sometimes
: : doubt whether I can make the PhD.I do not know much programming, neither I
: : computer science classes before, I am really worried. Is there any one who
: : similar experience and sucessfully transit to bioinformatics? What aspects
: : should I pay much attention to?

※ 来源:.Unknown Space - 未名空间[FROM: 64.171.]

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