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post-doc fellowship - the end
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:decay] , 2003年12月09日02:41:47
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发信人: decay (decay), 信区: Biology
标 题: post-doc fellowship - the end
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Tue Dec 9 02:48:03 2003) WWW-POST

It certainly looks good on your CV if you can get one. You have more
flexbility as well. The whole application process is a good experience.

But as for the practical money side, it doesn't really help that much. If you
are in a HHMI lab and get a fellowship (except LSRF), you need to transfer
your H-1b to from HHMI to your university. And the benefits from HHMI is much
better than than most universities. So the money on your paycheck you get in
the end might be the same or even less.

You need to spend time also, with several months you can get lots of exp done
or finish writing a manuscript.

So you may ask in the end like me: Worth it???

It add more responsibility as well. I personally feel the stress that I need
to do well in my post-doc so I feel I deserve the award. I personally work on
systems biology now and don't know exactly where I'm going. But I don't think
yeast is an issue. Most other organisms except bacterial and oocyte are just
not ready for systems biology yet. I can just move to other organism once I
figure out new approached and they become ready. This is a important and
difficult field in the next 50 ys at least. Another related field is synthetic
biology. Anybody interested on those may contact me.

※ 修改:·decay 於 Dec 9 02:48:03 修改本文·[FROM: 66.124.]
※ 来源:.Unknown Space - 未名空间[FROM: 66.124.]

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