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my experience with Biology
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:leohawk] , 2004年02月18日10:12:45
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发信人: leohawk (leohawk), 信区: Biology
标 题: my experience with Biology
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Wed Feb 18 10:28:56 2004), 转信

just saw you guys talked about what to go with biology, here
is my 2 cents:

I have to admit I regretted I didn't look for a good postdoc at the end
of my graduate school years... but there are pros and cons, I won't say
much over that, since it is past. I am in a good position now and I enjoy
what I am doing. However, I would like to say something about what I learned
during the years.

1. Interest: it is the most important thing, as long as you follow it and take
some courage to overcome difficulties, you will be a happy guy, and in most
cases, will be a successful guy. Don't follow "trends".

2. Have a dream, if you only think about going to industry, it probably won't
carry you too far down the road, your goal defines how you live your
everyday life, and a "short" goal means you will never exceed what you have
in mind. However, if you have a high expection of yourself, you will end
up far and high and sound, even if you may miss your original goal.

3. Concentrate on what you are doing, even if you "temporarily" don't know if
you are on the right track -- you probably only need to see more "fengjing"
to know the answer. Hard working will always be rewarded, one way or the
other. Having an eye for "shortcuts" is good, is smart, however, don't
count on it.

I still remember my beginning years on my graduate school, those torture
comes with culture shock, uncertainity of future and all other anxiety.
Life is tough, and sometimes people make mistakes, but as a young man, one or
two mistake won't bring the end of world. Just Keep TRYING!

※ 修改:.leohawk 于 Feb 18 13:55:08 修改本文.[FROM: 130.219.]
※ 来源:.Unknown Space - 未名空间[FROM: 130.219.]

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