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some Qs I have in mind for TCM
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:decay] , 2004年02月19日04:30:46
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发信人: decay (Tying to be a friendly mm), 信区: Biology
标 题: some Qs I have in mind for TCM
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Thu Feb 19 04:34:47 2004) WWW-POST

Traditional Chinese Medicine.

I have seen a lot of doctors for the past serveal month for my physical and
mental problems, and I accumlated a lot of Qs that I'm really curious to know
the answer but nobody can give it to me. Pls keep this post open for some
time. THX!

1. What's the current research status about the formulaiton of TCM?

I heard they used HPLC or sth like that to analyze it. I also heard that
there is a big Japanese group doing study on this. What did they learn? Any
detailed info/website?

2. What about the mechanism?

I heard sb in MIT got NIH funding to use mouse model to study the mechanism of
different recipes/formulations, anybody knew it?

What's the latest status on this? any info?

3. What exactly is the difference of TCM and anti-depressent?

I was told one is to 清郁 and 理气,the other is to inhibit neurotransmitter.
but what exactly is 郁,气,also 风寒?any clear explanation?

4. What's the current status of the mechanism of accupuncture?

How does it stop inflammation exactly?

5. Is is possible that some TCM doctor add wetern medicine ingredients to
their formulation so the role of TCM was actually over-advertized? And
patients can be in danger becasue the drug interaction is not clear?

and many more... add me to your chatting software if you want to discuss

REALLY curious...

※ 修改:·decay 於 Feb 19 04:34:47 修改本文·[FROM: 66.124.]
※ 来源:.Unknown Space - 未名空间[FROM: 66.124.]

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