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Re: 关于学生物的前途问题
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:forrestgump] , 2004年02月24日16:41:21
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发信人: forrestgump (阿甘), 信区: Biology
标 题: Re: 关于学生物的前途问题
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Tue Feb 24 16:41:21 2004) WWW-POST

Ok. here is what i know about.
postdoc stipend/salary/fellowship: range from $25-55k (from what I have heard,
not necessarily representitive), but peaks around 35k for 1st year postdoc.
NIH NRSA guideline is about $34,200
( for FY
if u want industry job, all that matters is connections. build up connections
by all means, ur committee members, department faculties, ur friends, friends'
friends, ur mentor, mentor's connections, lab members, colleagues, classmates,
career fairs, meetings, ... try all u can. (i know i am exagerating here, but
i do know several people with >= 2 CNS publications having hard times finding
industry jobs).
generally speaking, from what i understand, biochem, bioengineering,
pharmacology, physiology, ... are better tuned for job-hunting. molecular
biology is, hehe, tough. of course, it is a great advantage if u know some
techniques that are sexy, like mass-spec... (yes, technique and techology is
much more important here)
publication is, of less if not the least importance, for industry jobs. again,
one connection is more than several CNS publications, since industry people
don't really pay much attention to academic achievements. as long as u have a
way to show them that u are worth a position (that is where the connection
comes in, an interview for example, usually leads to a job offer), they will
give u a job. they tend not to trust "pure" academic achievements since those
do not translate into the quality they need for the positions.
industry job pays around 60k-80k for a startup phd, depending on the size of
the company and the location (there are certainly outliers) and the job title.

some big companies such as Lily, offers industry postdoc positions. it pays
less, but is an easier to get position, and can be considered as a good
bridging point to an industrial career.

but please do not be discouraged by my talking about the connections. it is
not impossible to find a job without connections, but it is just hard. my
point is: if i were u, i would spend more time building up connections than
doing science, if industry is where u wanna go.

ok, typed way too much. if i said something wrong, correct me. thx.

【 在 magie (*^*) 的大作中提到: 】
: 我看大家讨论的都太形而上了, 跟思想教育课试的.要不大家讨论点实质性问题.
: 比如,POSTDOC倒底工资有多少,我怎么听说有不到三万的,也有四万多的. 还有大家知不

: 道哪些方向将来好找工作.
: 再比如,大家知道的最快毕业多长时间能找到工作,
: 靠什么关系找的,还是自己发了牛PAPER找的....
: 总之这些东西,我一直不太清楚,也不好意思问LAB里老美,要不大家给我讲讲.
: 再有,你们说PUBLICATION的质量和数量对找工作是不是最重要啊,还是懂得的技术的多

: 比较重要.

LIfe is like a box of chocolate.
You'll never know what you are gonna get.

※ 来源:.Unknown Space - 未名空间[FROM: 170.223.]

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