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Re: postdoc in industry or academia?
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:puppeteer] , 2004年03月15日19:52:17
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发信人: puppeteer (苦禅), 信区: Biology
标 题: Re: postdoc in industry or academia?
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Mon Mar 15 19:55:03 2004) WWW-POST

Not all industrial postdocs are the same. Just as not all academic postdocs
are the same. I was on the recruiting side in a company for a little bit
(helped my boss recruiting, not a big boss myself) and I preferred a good
industrial postdoc to a good academic postdoc say straight out of Harvard.
They just have more experience in industrial settings. On the other hand, an
academic postdocs might get to play with the hottest technologies which
companies like. Papers actually don't mean that much to industrial people. But
good school matters. Our company was a genomics company a few years back, so
we got a lot of top applicants. The criterion was basically, have you used
this technique before, which school you came from. If you had a lot of Nature
papers, that helps. Otherwise, 10 publications is just as good as none. Then
the rest is how well you talk during interview.
But you do have to watch out that the industrial postdoc is not just a
technician position in disguise. I think how much they pay you can help. If
you are willing to pay you above 50K, then it's a good sign.
Just my two cents. Other people might have different experiences.

【 在 qiuchan (甜甜) 的大作中提到: 】
: It seems being a postdoc in Industry is not a very good idea.
: I think that is not only the situation as a postdoc, but also for permanant
: jobs either in industry or academia.
: Get a tenure track faculty position in a university is so competitive and
: the first five years is harsh too. But once you get the tenure, you are safe
: for your whole life.
: It seems industry postdoc or jobs are relatively easy to get, but working in
: industry is so unstable. I heard a lot of layoff stories.
: Anyway, it seems:
: Industry: first sweet, later bitter
: Academia: first bitter, later sweet.
: You got to pick one that fits you the best.
: 【 在 soupman (s-o-u-p-m-a-n, not superman) 的大作中提到: 】
: : That's similar to what I have heard. My friends told me industry does not
: like
: : post-doc with creativity. They just want someone like mechanics.
: :
: : Since industry post-doc has no publications, you limit your chance
: thereafter.
: :

忆昔午桥桥上饮, 座中多是豪英。 长沟流月去无声。
杏花疏影里, 吹笛到天明。

二十余年成一梦, 此身虽在堪惊。
古今多少事, 渔唱起三更。
※ 修改:·puppeteer 於 Mar 15 19:55:03 修改本文·[FROM: 143.48.]
※ 来源:.Unknown Space - 未名空间[FROM: 143.48.]

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