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Re: ask a question of paper submission
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:littlecrab] , 2004年06月20日02:20:26
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发信人: littlecrab (小赖子乖乖), 信区: Biology
标 题: Re: ask a question of paper submission
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Sun Jun 20 02:20:26 2004) WWW-POST

I did not have the exactly same situation but close. We found a group is
trying to submit a paper which might be related. So we rushed to make a paper
and it is already accepted. We have not seen our competiter's paper yet, :)
since they sent to a higher journal which should be too good for either of us.

It is very rare that two groups have exactly same data, usually overlapped or
related but still with different approaches and details. Most of the time, it
is OK for both groups to publish independently. Of course the earlier, the
better. Years ago, my boss had a big discovery and in the mean while, a group
in Harvard discovered the function of the same protein. They published in
Nature first. My boss had to go to PNAS 3 months later. Both of them talked
about their work in meetings so that both got credits for this discovery.

The only concern is that the one who published first got cited mostly, like
what happened to my boss. In this regard, it is important to publish asap. In
your case, it is possible that you cannot go into very high journal because
the reviewers read about your competiter's work first but you will finally
find a place to publish it since your work is still of its own intersts and

【 在 crystalmaker (风雨无阻) 的大作中提到: 】
: If I submitted a paper, and during the review period, somebody
: else published a similar work (see, published online), does this
: affect my submission?
: if before submission, and a paper published online (related, but
: not same work, like a homologous structure), can I still submit
: like I do not know it?
: anybody has or has heard about such experiences?
: Thanks

※ 来源:.Unknown Space - 未名空间[FROM: 24.186.]

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