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Re: ask a question of paper submission
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:coolstone] , 2004年06月21日13:59:08
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发信人: coolstone (kk), 信区: Biology
标 题: Re: ask a question of paper submission
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Mon Jun 21 13:59:08 2004) WWW-POST

I think I had the exact experience you want to hear about.

I got data from crystals and Se-Met crystals and got a solution for the
structure. Then I told my boss that I got it. My boss told me that our
collaborator was asked one month ago to review a paper from Nature Structural
and Molecular Biology on a very similar structure (another protein) done with
NMR. He refused to review because he is also working on it. He told my boss.(
My boss did not tell me immediately because of bad relationship between us and
this work was initiated by myself.....).
I then finished the structure, wrote the paper in less than two weeks. Just
before I submitted, the other NMR paper was out on-line. We asked NSMB if they
want to co-publish our structure and they said no. They said the reviewer said
that our structure does not add much information to the other paper.

So we had to say in our paper the differences between the two structures by
citing their paper and making a figure comparison. One of the points was that
their structure has an artifact because of the construct they had. We
submitted to EMBO J and it was accepted. The NMR paper is published already
one months ago. Our paper is in proofreading. Actually one of the reviewer
held the same opinion as the one we got from NSMB and we suspected they are
the same person. But fortunately two other reviewers were quite positive.

What made me a little upset is that the impact factor of EMBO J is 10.4 for
2003 while NSMB is 11.4. EMBO J has been losing citation for the last several

【 在 crystalmaker (风雨无阻) 的大作中提到: 】
: If I submitted a paper, and during the review period, somebody
: else published a similar work (see, published online), does this
: affect my submission?
: if before submission, and a paper published online (related, but
: not same work, like a homologous structure), can I still submit
: like I do not know it?
: anybody has or has heard about such experiences?
: Thanks

※ 来源:.Unknown Space - 未名空间[FROM: 128.248.]

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