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Re: question on raw bean.
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:royluo] , 2004年07月14日17:31:25
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发信人: royluo ( 罗马情结), 信区: Biology
标 题: Re: question on raw bean.
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Wed Jul 14 17:40:13 2004), 站内信件

I am in a glycobiology lab and happened to use pea lectin
in an experiment recently. My feeling is that, though lectin will
cause health problem, they have generally minor effects. Lectins
with different recognition specificity are found in a wide range
of crops other than beans , like peanuts,soybean, wheat, pea...
The toxic stuff in the raw beans people are talking about is actually
cyanogen compounds (not proteins) in the beans. These compounds are
more dangerous than lectins. Fortunately, they are heat labile. So
cooking can destroy them.

【 在 puppeteer (不想减肥的河马) 的大作中提到: 】
: It's a protein called lectin
: A Lectin is any protein which specifically interacts with sugar molecules
: (carbohydrates) and are found in a variety of species from insects to man.
: They serve many different biological functions from the regulation of cell
: adhesion to glycoprotein synthesis and the control of protein levels in the
: blood. Lectins are also known to play important roles in the immune system by
: recognising carbohydrates found exclusively on pathogens.
: Kidney beans are a variety of common bean The Common bean or haricot is
: Phaseolus vulgaris of the family Fabaceae. Most of the common bean varieties
: belong in this species, and there are also may terms which apply to all or
: part of the species depending upon variety and treatment. These beans,
: although commonly known as "vegetables", are actually fruits, because they
: develop from a plant ovary and house seeds.
: Varieties grown for the dry bean include pinto beans, navy beans or pea beans,
: kidney beans and black turtle beans. The many varieties grown for the pods are
: referred to as green beans, string beans or snap beans and include the wax
: beans. Both bush and running (pole) varieties exist. The colors and shape of
: pods and seeds vary tremendously.
: They must be boiled for at least ten minutes before they are edible. The
: boiling degrades a toxic compound - a lectin.
: A Lectin is any protein which specifically interacts with sugar molecules
: (carbohydrates) and are found in a variety of species from insects to man.
: They serve many different biological functions from the regulation of cell
: adhesion to glycoprotein synthesis and the control of protein levels in the
: blood. Lectins are also known to play important roles in the immune system by
: recognising carbohydrates found exclusively on pathogens.
: lectin is found in the bean which would otherwise cause severe gastric upset

※ 来源:.Unknown Space - 未名空间[FROM: 129.49.]

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