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Re: 请问这句话是什么意思?
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:clonist] , 2004年09月11日12:00:27
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发信人: clonist (Epi), 信区: Biology
标 题: Re: 请问这句话是什么意思?
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Sat Sep 11 12:01:58 2004), 转信

the pnas paper is already a done deal you should be able to
evaluate yourself how much that the paper overlap with your
paper. your boss has to work hard on this paper if he really
wants to get this paper published in cell. it's not your own

【 在 windysea (雨瞳~甜心小猪) 的大作中提到: 】
: It's a headache I have to figure out how much damage it causes and therefore
: if it is worthwile to do the revisions.The last message from the editor:
: I appreciate the difficulties in trying to decide whether to invest more
: effort in the paper for resubmission or to publish the current form in
: another journal, but unfortunately it is equally difficult for me to know
: how to advise you at this point (I am also a straight person!). I can say
: that I think the general topic is interesting and the reviewers do cite that
: it is potentially important, but it is also true that they feel it needs
: substantially more work and I cannot offer any guarantees (or even predict)
: what their response would be to a revised paper. If you want to email me in
: more detail the experimental revisions you are proposing to include in
: response to the reviewers' criticisms, perhaps I can provide more
: constructive advice. I would also be willing to forward such a document to
: the reviewers and ask if the revisions are likely to change their opinion
: about suitability for Cell.
: It looks as if her big concern was how we would address the comments and
: experimental revisions and she had not noticed the PNAS paper, which is a
: little bit strange since a reviewer mentioned that work (even though that was
: ahead of publication). I wonder if I should remind her of the existence of
: such a paper as well as show her a plan of experimental revisions.
: 【 在 clonist (Epi) 的大作中提到: 】
: : 他们的决定是考虑到最新的已发表文章而作出的,不是根据你最初投稿是
: : 已有的文章决定的.如果还是你那篇paper,看来那篇pnas对你文章的影响
: : 比较大
: our

※ 来源:.Unknown Space - 未名空间[FROM: 129.85.]

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