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Re: need your suggestions and help ,pls!
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:liuxiyan] , 2004年09月17日10:19:31
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发信人: liuxiyan (新瓷器时代), 信区: Biology
标 题: Re: need your suggestions and help ,pls!
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Fri Sep 17 10:19:31 2004) WWW-POST

How I wish I can write Chinese here.Crossing means to let different strains of
mice mate each other and observe their offspring.

Thank you very very much for your comments.

According to the interest and hot spot stuff, I still think neuroscience will
be the hot spot in future, whether in pure science or industry. We can explore
everything. But we don't understand the mind of ourselves. In addition, as
time goes on, more and more depression and psycho disorder appears. Big
companies such as Lilly and yangshen is inputing money into this field. But
the interest of my department is all about cancer. And I do not want to
transfer because that will be a shame to Chinese students and waste my time
and energy. So I should forget about neuroscience, which is my real interest.
Maybe a postdoc in neuroscience maybe somewhat make up.I think every PI is
saying this or that has much much significance. So it is really hard to know
which should be paid more attention to on interest stuff. So forget about
interest stuff.

According to the logic, I think everyone can draw out beutiful logic. The
truth is things always happen beyond our expectation. That is science. So
maybe all my thinkings and weighings could be useless. :)

【 在 jonzhang (清华MM的海鸥乔纳森) 的大作中提到: 】
: Dont totally understand what you mean by crossing crossing, crossing. Do you
: mean the combination of those diferent knockouts?
: The in vivo study is surely of greater value, no matter in publishing paper
: finding a job. However, in vitro study is more specific, and quicker. The
: ideal approach is the combo of both.
: BTW, the hypothesis, or scientific reasoning is more critical than the model
: you use. While you dont wanna dedicate to pure theoretical biology though.
: Again, what research interest they have is of greater value. For example,
: cancer is getting less money, but it's still ok to get some papers or jobs.
: Stem cell, either adult or embryonic, is one of the hottest spots, which
: yield some applicable stuff in decades. Neuroscience is cooling down after
: Brain Decade/Ten years project of NIH. ...
: More discussions about the current proceeding in biol are welcome.
: 【 在 liuxiyan (新瓷器时代) 的大作中提到: 】
: : Which of the two lab is better?
: : 1, research about mice model using classical genetics. Always crossing
: : crossing and waiting for the mice to breed.
: : Sometimes trying to generate chimeric mice. That is to wash the emryo
: cells
: : from two strains from the ducts and blend them and then try to generate a
: new
: : miuse. Is the success of this kind of experiments only depends on luck?
: :
: : 2, Using molecular, tissue culture methos to generate the model. Quicker
: than
: : the former one. But this is not the real animal,right?
: :
: : I wonder if the classical genetics will be out-dated and will disappear
: : time goes on. But I am really new in this field. Perhaps my comments are
: : totally wrong.................
: :
: : //thanks for any of your suggestions and information.
: :


※ 来源:.Unknown Space - 未名空间[FROM: 144.92.]

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