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Re: Questions about culturing of NSC
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:smallbite] , 2004年12月02日12:04:56
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发信人: smallbite (小咬), 信区: Biology
标 题: Re: Questions about culturing of NSC
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Thu Dec 2 12:13:15 2004), 站内信件

I don't really know the answer.
But obviously cells are happier if they feel that they are in contact with
sth, either the dish or other cells.
I guess,
Cells in the dish are in an equilibrium between attach and detach,if the
coating is good,attaching wins out eventually. Otherwise detach win,in that
case cells will die because they feel so lonely.
Not all cells will die if the coating is not good, but most of them. You
can see that those who survive are mostly in aggregation, because by
aggregating cells can feel the existence of each other, they won't be
too lonely so they survive.
Actually I feel like stem cells are easier to culture,they grow so fast
so that they can always contact each other.

Most books that teach people to do neuron primary culture say:
If the cells die O/N, check the coating;
If the cells die after 4 days, check the glutamin.

Maybe it's also true for NSC culture.

【 在 bewithu (x-fire in the sea) 的大作中提到: 】
: Thank u so much for ur valuable info. But why does coating make such a
: difference? U mentioned that all the cells died after O/N incubation in one
: exp thought they looked good 4 h after seeding. In that case, how does the
: coating do u think cause cell death? Tks
: 【 在 smallbite (小咬) 的大作中提到: 】
: : I use 0.2mg/ml poly-l-lysine,coat for 30min, wash with dH2O twice
: : leave it dry in hood,store them in the incubator
: : do not store them in water, it's not good
: : In my experience, I found that one-day old dish is the best,for whatever
: reason
: : ,fresh one is also ok
: is
: Thank u

※ 修改:.smallbite 于 Dec 2 13:04:35 修改本文.[FROM: 128.104.]
※ 来源:.Unknown Space - 未名空间[FROM: 128.104.]

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