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Re: 饶毅 & Jianguo Gu 好样的!
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:neverthink] , 2005年07月31日02:57:18
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发信人: neverthink (nevernetbug), 信区: Biology
标 题: Re: 饶毅 & Jianguo Gu 好样的!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jul 31 02:57:18 2005)

Hey, guys: don't quite understand why we are arguing like this?
I guess all of us here care about china and are paying attention to this
I personally don't quite agree with this invitation. Well, I wouldn't go that
far as to protest
like that either. First of all, none of us including Raoyi(as prominent as he
is) can be sure about his claim or meditation has no value or worth no
scientific investigation. we, scientific community as a whole, simply know too
little about how brain works to claim that. Actually, in practice, we do see
meditation may help some conditions or calm people down etc. Secondly, we
should have a trust on this intellgent commuity and they may not be that
liable to be influenced by one's speech
and if we think it is wrong and groundless, why don't we uncover the truth by
allowing this speech taking place? Thirly, It is hard to say whether this is
of political aim. Well, let's assue it is. I believe a better way is to
counter-react instead of boycott? I think you guys are all smart, why not be
prepared and have a counter-reaction if his speech is highly political, say,
require a written speech draft of dalai beforehand from the organizing
committee and discuss with our society or request a counter-speech if
necessary, something like that. Maybe I am naive, I believe the truth will be
told only by exposing things instead of blocking in this case. just my two

【 在 assasin (?oo...) 的大作中提到: 】
: 不要让达赖喇嘛骗吃骗喝的行径玷污了科学界。去SFN开会的兄弟姐妹应联署,并在会

: 揭穿达赖说谎的老底。
: 顶饶毅 & Jianguo Gu一把!
: Nature 436, 452 (28 July 2005) | doi: 10.1038/436452b
: Neuroscientists see red over Dalai Lama
: David Cyranoski
: Top of pageAbstractResearchers petition against meditation lecture.
: A growing number of neuroscientists are calling for the cancellation of a
: special lecture to be given by the Dalai Lama in November. The Buddhist
: is due to speak at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN)

: ...................


※ 来源:·BBS 未名空间站·[FROM: 63.206.]

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