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Re: 感觉写东西好难的说
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:ASATHOR] , 2005年08月11日01:05:56
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发信人: ASATHOR (霹雳火), 信区: Biology
标 题: Re: 感觉写东西好难的说
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Aug 11 01:05:56 2005)

The sad thing is: our writing will never be as good as native English speakers
. But you have to try it anyway if you want to survive.

My experience is to assemble the figures first,that will help you to decide
what results you want to include in your paper.

And then it really doesn't matter which part you want to write first. I
probably would write " materials and methods", because that's the least
demanding part.

You will feel better once you finish some parts. And for the first draft,don't
care about the grammar so much, you can always do corrections later.

I usually worry about the references last, after I finish figure legends. If
you are very familiar with the papers you cited, you can go sentence by
sentence to insert the references in. I use ENDNOTE.

It is also helpful if you know what journal you are going to submit to so that
you can find papers of the similar type and at least have some idea about how
you would construct your own.

One thing is very very important for first time writer: it is very tempting to
copy other paper's sentences word by word, because they seem so perfect and
you feels unable to think of another way to put it. However, you should never
do that because small mistakes like that may cost your career.

【 在 flosflos (flos) 的大作中提到: 】
: 老板说让我把前一阵的结果写篇小paper,因为再往下做也没什么意思了。我做的这个

: 西,一开始就是自己的主意,而且我的情况比较复杂,中间也没人给我认真指导,所以

: 写也只能全靠自己。我现在是第二年,以前什么都没写过,除了rotation的时候写的
: report。看了别人那么多paper,我又是一个没事就坐在那瞎想跟自己argue的人,现在

: 自己都弄晕了,越来越没信心的说。老板让我下个礼拜写好,我现在还在introduction

: 分挣扎。。。大家跟我说说,paper该怎么写啊,,,,,今天白天坐着发呆2小时,没

: 上网到处闲逛2小时,回家继续发呆,,,哭s了


※ 来源:·BBS 未名空间站·[FROM: 164.107.]

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