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Re: 讨论, 生物的postdoc会怎么样?
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:crossrapids] , 2005年08月19日22:46:46
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发信人: crossrapids (大漠孤烟), 信区: Biology
标 题: Re: 讨论, 生物的postdoc会怎么样?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Aug 19 22:46:46 2005)

Generally speaking, the longer you stay in academics, the more difficult you
would find a position in industry. If you have paid attention to those ads
posted by companies, you would find that they usually requested that those
candidate should have <5 years postdoc experience (at the same time, they also
ask candidate to have about 2~3 years postdoc experience), I guess many
people here don't understand why. Well, many companies believe that if you
have stayed in academics for too long, very likely it would be difficult for
you to get adjusted the industry working environment. Your thinking way, your
expectation would be too "academic". You may not agree this, but that's what
those companies believe. So if you really want to develop you career in
industry, you'd better start taking action before you have stayed in the lab
for too long.

If the worst scenario you mentioned really happens, the best choice for you
may be the "staff scientist" in a lab. You know, changing your career when you
're near 40 is not easy. Considering every field is full of people seeking a
job, you'll be far behind other people in the same field to which you want to

Life is tough. Nothing is easy.

But anyway, good luck.

【 在 crystalmaker (风雨无阻) 的大作中提到: 】
: I set up a goal for myself: Before I am 36-37, when I still can not find a
: faculty position somewhere, I will give up the dream of becoming a PI, and
: have to find out an either way for future. Possibilities include going to
: company, doing staff (scientist) is a lab, or doing something else.
: I choose age of 36-37 because at that time I will have already done 7-8
: postdocs. It is already too long.


※ 来源:·BBS 未名空间站·[FROM: 131.243.]

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