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encouragements to those who want to move out of bio
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:oceanfrog] , 2008年02月08日12:57:31
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发信人: oceanfrog (jeremy), 信区: Biology
标 题: encouragements to those who want to move out of bio
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Feb 8 12:57:31 2008)

I had a chat with my boss about his last career fair experience in the
School of Natural Science in a top university.
He said he had hard time to get the talents we need, but instead observed a
huge number of bioscience students. He felt bad for them.

My advice is, if you are still young and do not really like where you are,
you should move on.

I have interviewed many students for IT positions and I want to let you know
my findings. I have seen many students having CS BS from UTSC or TH who are
seriously under-trained. Because of their background, they get admission to
US graduate schools, and they just need to take maybe 6 courses plus some
lousy research to graduate from some one year master program. They are bad
at what they have learned and what we need.
Ironically, a few people who transfered from other majors are much better.
Why? Many are forced to make up all the courses at undergraduate level
before they are given admission to master program. (I myself took about 20
courses to get a master degree, half of which are make-up undergraduate
courses.) Plus they studied much harder.

I hope this is an encouragement to those who want to change major. It may
not be a bad thing to unlearn and relearn what we learned back in China.
Have some faith in yourself, especially if you are from the top bio majors
from top schools in china. Time is still on your side.


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