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Know your talents and amplify your talents
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:oceanfrog] , 2008年02月08日16:47:00
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发信人: oceanfrog (jeremy), 信区: Biology
标 题: Know your talents and amplify your talents
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Feb 8 16:47:00 2008)

To be successful in any career, you need to find your own niche and know how
to amplify your talents.

Each human trait probably is normally distributed with a small std-dev.
For example, Yao Ming is a 5-sigma taller than average people. Now imagine,
if Yao is a bio phd, will he be as successful? Most likely not, since his
biggest advantage, his height is irrelevant to bio research. Yao's parent
did not want him to play basketball since they feel that is a tough road,
but they were wrong. If yao did not play basketball, he would still be a
giraffe when he showed up on street, but he would have wasted his biggest

Now being a bio-science practitioner, I hope you can analyze what you
biggest talents are.

From what I can see, one of the biggest talents everyone who is reading this
post probably has is IQ. I have no doubt most poeple here are at least 1-
sigma above average which represents top 15 percent smartest people. Some
can easily been 2-sigma or even 3-sigma higher. (You were on 99.9%
percentile in GRE math, weren't you).

Now in picking up the career that you are most likely to succeed, what
should you do?

If your biggest advantage is your intelligence, then go ahead and learn CS.
It is rewarding fatly to those who are smart. Or go for bio-stats.
If you are doing bio, do your think your intelligence matters?

If you biggest advantage is communication and persuasion. Get to B school or
Law school immediately. Your skills are highly desired in the business
world. If you don't apply your skills to the right field, imagine, can you
use your biggest talent to persuade your profess to double your pay? Have
you heard a job called management consulting?

If your biggest talent is patience and carefulness. Maybe you will be good
at accounting, taxation.

If you are really good at your hands, well, being a surgeon is the best job,
but... Maybe staying in bio gives the best reward, who knows.


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