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Know your talents and amplify your talents - 2
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:oceanfrog] , 2008年02月08日17:24:18
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发信人: oceanfrog (jeremy), 信区: Biology
标 题: Know your talents and amplify your talents - 2
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Feb 8 17:24:18 2008)

Why applying your talents to the right field is so critical? Because in that
field, any edge in that talent will be amplified.

The industry is always searching for talents to exploit. However, due to the
normal distribution, each extra percent more talent can be 100% harder to
There are jobs probably needs a threshold of minimal talent to be good at.
For example for programming, let's assume you have to have an IQ of 120 at
least. For those people with IQ below 120 (think about GRE math 650ers),
they may still be a programmer, but the chance of being good is almost zero.
My rough estimate is the productivity of a programmer doubles when you have
20% skill increase, in other words, bosses are very willing to pay 50% more
for you, who is 20% smarter than your peers.
Below is Oceanfrog's PQ table. PQ means Programming Quotient, which measures
how good a programmer is.

PQ Salary Title

80 (20 below average) 50K-80K Computer technicians
100 80K-100K Software engineer
120 100K-150K senior/lead software engineer
140 150K-300K The genius nerds all companies
want to hire at all cost
150+ 1MM+ Bill Gates and peers

The above example is for the software industry, but the core talents in
other industries are similar.
Why I picked programming because PQ is highly correlated with IQ. Anyone
with high IQ with proper training will get to their corresponding PQ levels
sooner or later. Most people I know who transfered from other discipline get
into PQ 120 in 5 years or less.

Since IQ is the single most important factor to be successful in IT, I
strongly recommend anyone who is confident in IQ ONLY to transfer to CS/IT.


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