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Know your talents and amplify your talents -4
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:oceanfrog] , 2008年02月08日18:07:54
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发信人: oceanfrog (jeremy), 信区: Biology
标 题: Know your talents and amplify your talents -4
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Feb 8 18:07:54 2008)

Now let me throw another example of our hot Zhuang MM.

She probably has the career of which many of us here dream every night. (You
may dream of Chen Guanxi's career as well, but that is too far away. )

Zhuang MM is very successful, no doubt. She must be enjoying it, but
1) She probably has to write grant proposals till mid-night
2) She probably works 80 hours a week
3) She almost for sure hired a bunch of Chinese PHDs and post-docs and paying (relatively) minimum
wages for her to exploit. She may not feel guilty, (though I will if it
were me.)

Now given her talents, intelligence, beauty, communication, creativity, hard
-working, ..., and same amount of luck.
If she were in business in China, she could have founded Baidu.
If she went to B-school, she could have started her career with BCBG and now
a CFO for a big company. (Google Tan Haiyin and eachnet for comparison.)
If she went to the wall street, she might have died in 911-crash, but given
her luck, the chance of being making $1MM a year is a more likelihood.

If you got the same choice of being a Harvard professor, a Baidu founder, an
eachnet CFO, or a laborer in Wall street making $1M a year, which would you

Maybe you still choose to be a Harvard Professor. If that's the case, you
heart tells you not to transfer.

BTW, I believe Zhuang MM will be richer than most of us here in 30 years,
but her papers will be as valuable (or in other terms, as garbage) as your
in another 30 years after that. She is not Einstein anyway, who gives a shit
? Maybe you will be more famous than her, who knows.

※ 修改:·oceanfrog 於 Feb 8 18:12:26 2008 修改本文·[FROM: 38.117.]

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