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Re: 三鹿毒奶粉的受害者竟有这么多(组图)
[同主题阅读] [版面:焦点新闻] [作者:foreveranndy] , 2008年09月19日03:15:51
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发信人: foreveranndy (foreveranndy), 信区: Headline
标 题: Re: 三鹿毒奶粉的受害者竟有这么多(组图)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Sep 19 03:15:51 2008)

Kindly read the details carefully and help us !
The following is what happened to our family and our family-business !

The Firstsing Co.,Ltd. current status :

Anndy's RMB200,000 not got back yet ; the Shenzhen bitch lawyer No. 1 has
charged us RMB200,000, returned RMB170,000, the rest RMB30,000 were eaten by
other bitches and not returned yet ; the Shenzhen bitch lawyer No. 2 has
charged us RMB90,000, returned RMB40,000, rest RMB50,000 not returned yet ,
totally RMB280,000 not returned yet , all the LOST and DESTROIED things
during this bitch disaster not payed to us yet , while the bitches are still
stealing, robbing , abducting and cheating EVERYWHERE !

Our Chile customer's order not handled yet , totally lost without any
justice yet .

We are still asking for help though we've been doing it since year 2006 ,
the dog bitten my mother and everying began . You know I'm always doing real
time report to the world and asking for help . While we are still in danger
since being surrounded by so many bitches .

In the link below you can find full details and proofs with pictures and
texts :
Download the " ATTACHMENT , sue2007.rar " , which contains all the proofs
of the bitch case , with pictures , text files only , no virus .
And you can also refer to a part of those here , posted online one by one

If you still think such a bitch government is hopeful , please type out
all the documents in the
" ATTACHMENT , sue2007.rar "
and send to the highest court of the bitch China through the address
below :

( in Chinese ) 最高人民法院立案庭 东城区东交民巷27号100745 85256114
( in English ) The Registry Court of The Highest Court of China , Building
No.27, DongJiaoMinXiang, east city zone, Beijing, China
Zip 100745 , Tel. 86 010 85256114

( You can also refer to our housing zone forum here in Beijing if you can
read Chinese, this housing zone is basiclly for the famouse TSING HUA
UNIVERSITY . You can see many bitch PRETENDERS there. Even though , you need
to login with the webmaster's permission ! http://qfhjy.eol.cn/ )
Because of our faith and kindness , we don't know how to lie . We just
hope to do something for the justice and then we tried to organize our
House-ower-community here in our housing zone which is the nest of the top
bitches , thus my mother and I , and all our relatives in another city , are
trapped so badly .

This bitch case is finally referring to the top end of the bitch
government officers . You know how dangerouse it is to us .
Please kindly investigate in it and punish all the bitches for us ,
please earn justice and safety for us . Thank you !

--- Written by Anndy which used to be one of the members of the business
website www.firstsing.com .

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