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[PKUAANC]赈灾募捐(含company match信息)
[同主题阅读] [版面:北京大学] [作者:zqhuangmm] , 2008年05月13日16:21:21
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发信人: zqhuangmm (啾啾), 信区: PKU
标 题: [PKUAANC]赈灾募捐(含company match信息)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue May 13 16:21:21 2008), 站内

【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
发信人: cp (奔四), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: [PKUAANC] Earthquake Relief donation info (including company match
needed info)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue May 13 15:32:55 2008)

From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of
PKU Alumni Association of N.CA
To: [email protected]
Subject: [PKUAANC] Earthquake Relief

Dear alumni and friends,

As you have heard, an earthquake of magnitude 7.8 struck northern Sichuan
Province on Monday. It is the most devastating earthquake in China in more
than three decades. More than ten thousand deaths have been confirmed, tens
of thousands missing and many more losing their homes.

PKUAANC has set up an Earthquake Relief Fund to help alumni and friends
making donations to the earthquake relief efforts. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit
organization, PKUAANC will provide following services to donors:

1. PKUAANC will collect your donations and pass all donations to an
earthquake relief organization (TBD, but most likely Chinese Red Cross).

2. PKUAANC will issue charitable donation receipts to you so that your
donations will be tax-deductible.

3. All donor information will be passed to the receiving organization. Upon
request, PKUAANC will try the best to obtain the receiving organization's
donation receipts.

4. PKUAANC will publish online a frequently updated fund report and a final
report once all donations are transfered to the receiving organization.

If you would like to participate, you can contribute through following

1. Check by Mail

- Please make your check payable to "PKUAANC" with memo "Earthquake Relief
- Fill out the attached donation form
- Mail your check and the form to:

Attn. Christopher Huang
1172 Murphy Avenue, Suite 237
San Jose, CA 95131

- Your receipt will be mailed to you

2. Check in Person

- Please make your check payable to "PKUAANC" with memo "Earthquake Relief
- Fill out the attached donation form
- Bring your check and the form to our PKU Anniversary Party held on 05/17
Saturday at:

Baylands Park at Sunnyvale
999 E Caribbean Drive
Sunnyvale, CA 94088

The party starts at 11am. For more details, please see our newsletter or go
to evite:

- You get your receipt immediately

3. Paypal

- Please send your donation to <[email protected]>
- Specify Subject as "Earthquake Relief donation"
- In "Message", please copy the content of the attached donation form
- Your receipt will be mailed to you
- You can make payment through PayPal with credit cards. After you enter the
amount and click "Update amount", you are redirected to PayPal login page
on which you can select credit card payment if you don't have a PayPal

4. Company Match

- Many companies have policies of matching employees' charitable donations.
We encourage you to get your company to match your personal donations.
- PKUAANC's EIN is 26-0561120

5. Wiring

- Please wire your donation to PKUAANC account:

Routing Number: 121042882
Account Number: 9525526266

- Please email the attached form together with your wiring confirmation to <
[email protected]>

PKUAANC officers appreciate your contribution to the relief effort. Please
send us suggestions and comments.

Thank you very much.


※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 192.146.]

附件: donation_form.doc (32768 字节)

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