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Re: [转载] 八毫米人性
[同主题阅读] [版面:性意识] [作者:laomeng] , 2001年07月23日06:55:34
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发信人: laomeng (LaoMeng), 信区: Sex
标 题: Re: [转载] 八毫米人性
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Mon Jul 23 07:11:20 2001), 站内信件

I saw this movie (8mm) on DVD and I don't like it at all.
At the very beginning, it is like all other Hollywood movies, a pissed-off
guy (Cage) trying to find a decent job - and finally he is great at his
work - why he can't succeed in the first place? //thinkhard
Then some bloody scene (not shown in the movie, but from the impression).
And then, some wierd strings lead Cage to find the girl and even find
the photographer. Of course, Cage will fight through his way and kill
all bad guys, except the real killer. At the end, Cage lost all his
wisdom - he went into the killer's house without a thought. No backup plan,
etc. The killer of course will jump out from the dark and almost killed
Cage - all audience know Cage will survive anyway. :) By the way, Cage is
very quick and smart to find a guy in NYC - he called all hospitals there.
(because he know the killer is badly wounded. - and fly back to NYC for his

Recently, Cage's movies suck. Saw "Gone in 60 seconds" - the whole movie
does not make much sense. Saw "City of Angle" - he is not an angle, but a
lost angle at most. And, the director made Meg die at the end of movie for
no peculiar reason. Remember Cage in "Conair", he is a cool guy. But now, he
is just another phony cool guy - always pretending.

【 在 njoy (河山) 的大作中提到: 】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Salon 讨论区 】
: 【 原文由 weicc 所发表 】
: [陈韵琳]八毫米人性
: 送交者: jidian 2001年7月18日09:43:35 于 [彩虹之约-
: 八毫米人性
: 作者:陈韵琳 (gospel)
: 最初发表:信望爱BBS,1999年10月
: 十九世纪六零年代以後,电影已自成一家之言,可据以分析人心人性
: 、
: 时代与艺术心灵。
: 1999年非常卖座的电影「八毫米」,在人性观上,蛮具有千年世纪末
: 的
: 代表性。
: 这电影从一个神秘的八毫米胶卷开始发展起。胶卷在一死去的富商保
: 险
: 柜中发现,内容是一个女孩被蒙面男人性凌虐後遭刀砍死的内容。富
: 商遗孀
: 对这卷片子甚感奇怪,因此请了私家侦探,侦探必须找出这片子是真
: 实拍摄
: 的、还是只是一个淫秽不堪的色情片;片中女孩如今在那里?
: 导演刻意用扑溯迷离的手法,让侦探处在一个非常艰难的寻访过程中

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM:]

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