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Re: 第一次感受美国的
[同主题阅读] [版面:思考者] [作者:dogwhisper] , 2008年02月15日10:45:31
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发信人: dogwhisper (dogwhisper), 信区: Thoughts
标 题: Re: 第一次感受美国的
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Feb 15 10:45:31 2008)

"中国正在试图监视着每一个人"---this is basically true. You may not know that
, but it doesn't mean it does not exist.

Just give you an example. My father used to work at National Security Bureau
in China. Lot of Chinese don't even know this department exists in China,
maybe because it doesn't have a formal "gate" like most other departments,
it's entrance is camouflaged inside some different departments (yes, just
like in the movies). Peopele there can monitor every Chinese citizen's
telephone. There is no law to protect citizen's provicy so this is totally
legitamate in China. They can record anyone's phone conversation if they
feel it is needed and make a arrest based on such evidence. That's before
internet era, I am sure nowadays they monitor internet too--of course not
really 100% as you questioned--but it's anyone, anytime, anywhere as they
find something suspicious, isn't this enough?

Believe it or not, but these are all true.

【 在 kiina (niepin) 的大作中提到: 】
: 本人工作的地方是NIST (National Institute of Standard and Technology), 美国国
: 家计量局, 隶属美国商业部(Department of Commerce). 这里经常会有一些不错的讲座
: 和座谈会之类的seminar. 作为GR (Guest Researcher), 我有空就会参加. 三年多的国
: 外经历告诉, 积极参与和交流有益于认识新朋友, 获得好机会.
: 早两天接到一个群发email, 说今天有一个seminar, 主题是China briefing... 我随便
: 扫了一眼, 看到上面推荐给所有去中国出差, 或者身边有中国同事的人. 便顿时来了兴
: 趣, 看看美国人眼里的中国嘛. 于是今天也赶个场子. 结果一开始就发觉来错地方了
: 原来今天的主题是Counter Intelligence (中国的反情报). 其实也就是说中国间谍的
: 事. 作presentation的人是来自DHS(Department of Homeland Security)的"资深专
: , 号称去中国已有"两次". 演讲一开始就定位美国作为世界第一强国, 目前已成为间谍
: ...................

※ 修改:·dogwhisper 於 Feb 15 10:46:54 2008 修改本文·[FROM: 155.101.]

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