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[同主题阅读] [版面:维吉尼亚州] [作者:darwin] , 2009年02月04日09:17:08
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发信人: darwin (darwin), 信区: Virginia
标 题: VT校长关于谋杀案和种族歧视的最新邮件
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Feb 4 09:24:02 2009), 转信

Dear Students, Parents, Colleagues, and Friends,

Our university campus has again been touched by tragedy in ways we could
little have imagined before April of 2007. Before the terrible events of
2007, we had never witnessed a student homicide on the campus of Virginia
Tech. The murder of graduate student last month in the Graduate Life
Center (GLC) stirs anew the trauma we continue to experience from April

The fact that any murder happens anytime in a peaceful place like this is
newsworthy. Because of our recent history, it surely commands attention.
Many, we are sure, are wondering 'Why us?' 'Why at Virginia Tech?' These
events are troubling when seen against the backdrop of the normally serene
college environment. Indeed, that may be why it is especially jarring;
college campuses are and remain one of the safest places in America.

While rare, homicide on college campuses does occur. The violent crime
rate on college campuses is less than 15 percent of the nation's average.
Over the last eight years, on the 4,200 college campuses in this country,
where more than four million people study, there has been an average of 17
homicides per year. In comparison, there are more than 12,000 homicides per
year in this country. Indeed, 80 people are killed every day by firearms
alone in the United States.

Many things are different on our college campuses today than they were
pre-April 2007, including our mindset.

- At Virginia Tech we have added 11 positions to the VTPD and now have a
70-person police and security force.

- We have added positions in the Cook Counseling Center and the Dean of
Students Office.

- The university has added, and continues to add, safety features
throughout campus. Among them are electronic message boards in classrooms,
emergency notification systems, the addition of locks on classroom doors,
and residence halls locked around the clock.

- University officials continue to work very closely with each other to
identify and evaluate students in need. The Threat Assessment Team and the
Care Team meet regularly to assist students with problems in school or
personal life. The Threat Assessment Team also intervenes when it appears
that an individual could be a threat to self or others in our community
(students, employees, or visitors).

- The university works closely with the Community Service Board in
ordering commitments of students in need of immediate counseling, (Temporary
Detention Orders).

During an emergency the university can use several notification methods,
including VT Alerts. More people within the university have been trained to
issue emergency alerts through the university emergency notification system.

First-responders can assess the scene and determine whether an immediate
alert or notification should be issued by the police department.
Students are required to 'opt-in or opt-out' during each course
registration period. Parents can subscribe to the VT Alerts through their
student's account. Students are able to select up to three emergency
notification methods including text message, cell phone, land phone, or
non-university e-mail. One of those three methods could be a parent.
However, remember we use this system primarily as an alert to those here
in need of emergency information. If parents wish to remain apprised of
campus events, we suggest subscribing to the daily Virginia Tech Daily
E-mail or RSS feeds available at www.vtnews.vt.edu.

Yet, all these safety features and programs did not stop the violent crime
in a campus coffee shop in the GLC last month. The quick response by our
campus police, just a little over a minute after receiving the 911 call,
tragically could not stop the deadly assault.

After the GLC homicide, the suspect was immediately apprehended. Still,
the university notified the community within 35 minutes of the first 911
call with about 40,000 emails, which were distributed in minutes. The VT
Alerts, which relies on multiple cell phone carriers and external service
providers, sent 60,000+ messages in 33 minutes. We continue to look for
ways to reduce notification time, but we must realize that instantaneous
communication with 35-40,000 people on the move in town and on campus is
not feasible.

Regrettably, I also find it necessary to address some troubling commentary
directed to the university leadership via e-mail, on blogs, or in
letters-to-the-editor. Virginia Tech is an open and accepting community
including many races, ethnicities, and cultures from around the world.
We believe firmly that this diversity enriches the educational experience
of all of our students. There is no evidence to suggest this death was
in any way ethnically motivated.

Moreover, it is important to note the international student community at
Virginia Tech has an outstanding law-abiding history and reputation.
Compared to their percent of the student body, our international students
generally are extremely under-represented in terms of offenses brought to
the university's judicial system. Nationally, the Bureau of Justice
statistics point out that Asians are ten times less likely to commit
homicide than whites in the United States. We reject any suggestions
that condemn an entire class of people, particularly those with a strong
law abiding reputation on our campus.

Virginia Tech is located in a small community. We are not regularly
visited with violent crime like urban-based universities in many cities
around the nation. For that reason, any violent crime, but particularly
one such as this, shocks and deeply moves us all. It challenges our
community to offer support to one another and challenges our thinking as
a nation. We trust, however, that our principles of mutual caring and
respect will allow us to pick up and move on. Thank you for your
understanding and support as we join together to do so.


Charles W. Steger, President


※ 修改:·darwin 于 Feb 4 09:26:27 修改本文·[FROM: 198.82.]
※ 来源:·BBS 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 198.82.]

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