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加州傑出華裔生物學家-- 一K二J三錢
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:HenryTsai] , 2003年05月17日03:34:10
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发信人: HenryTsai (Ctrl), 信区: Biology
标 题: 加州傑出華裔生物學家-- 一K二J三錢
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Sat May 17 03:34:10 2003) WWW-POST

简悦威 (Kan, Yuet-Wai)University of California, San FranciscoHoward Hughes
Medical Institute InvestigatorMember of National Academy of Sciences (1986)He
received his M.B., B.S., and D.Sc. degrees from the University of Hong Kong.
After residency at Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong, he received postdoctoral
training at Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Royal Victoria Hospital (Montreal), and the Children's Hospital
(Boston). Dr. Kan is a fellow of the Royal Society, a member of the National
Academy of Sciences and the Academia Sinica (Taiwan), a foreign member of the
Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the recipient of numerous international
honors, including the Lasker Award.贡献:理解地中海和镰刀装贫血的分子机理、发明
叶公杼 (Jan, Lily Yeh)University of California, San FranciscoHoward Hughes
Medical Institute InvestigatorMember of National Academy of Sciences
(1995)During her graduate study at the California Institute of Technology with
Jean Paul Revel and Max Delbrück, Dr. Jan localized the visual pigment
rhodopsin at the ultrastructural level. Because she studied theoretical
high-energy physics before becoming a biology student, her Ph.D. degree was in
physics and biophysics. She stayed at CalTech to do postdoctoral research with
Seymour Benzer and began to collaborate with her husband, Yuh Nung Jan. Their
first collaboration resulted in the identification of the Shaker locus as a
potential structural gene for a potassium channel. Before accepting faculty
appointments at UCSF, the Jans worked in Stephen Kuffler's laboratory at
Harvard Medical School. 贡献:发现几种钾离子通道的基因 .  影响:她的工作推进了
詹裕农 (Jan, Yuh Nung)University of California, San FranciscoHoward Hughes
Medical Institute InvestigatorMember of National Academy of Sciences (1996)He
entered the California Institute of Technology to study theoretical physics
but instead became interested in biology and received his Ph.D. degree in
biophysics and physics. As a graduate student, he studied sensory transduction
of the fungus Phycomyces with Max Delbrück. Dr. Jan began studying the
nervous system during postdoctoral research with Seymour Benzer at Caltech and
later with Stephen Kuffler at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Jan is a member of
the National Academy of Sciences. 贡献:发现Numb蛋白质作为神经发育和非对称性细
钱泽南 (Tjian, Robert, 1949-)University of California, BerkeleyHoward Hughes
Medical Institute InvestigatorMember of National Academy of Sciences (1991)He
received his Ph.D. degree in biochemistry and molecular biology from Harvard
University. Before moving to Berkeley, he was a junior fellow of the Harvard
Society of Fellows and a staff investigator at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
His honors include the Pfizer, Monsanto, Rosenstiel, Passano, Horwitz, and
Alfred P. Sloan Awards. Dr. Tjian has been California Scientist of the Year.贡
献:发现几个调控基因表达的增强子特异的转录因子 .影响:他的工作使我们的转录机器有
钱永佑 (Tsien, Richard)Stanford UniversityMember of National Academy of
Sciences (1997)Tsien received bachelor's and master's degrees in electrical
engineering, in 1965 and 1966, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
He also was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University and earned a Ph.D. there in
1970. Tsien has received the Cole Medal of the Biophysical Society, the
Sherrington Lectureship of the Physiological Society and the Kaiser Award for
Teaching at Stanford. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, the
Institute of Medicine.贡献: 电压门控的钙通道,它们在信号和神经基因表达的作用.
钱永健 (Tsien, Roger)University of California, San DiegoHoward Hughes Medical
Institute InvestigatorMember of National Academy of Sciences (1998)His
undergraduate degree in chemistry and physics was from Harvard College, and
his Ph.D. degree in physiology was from the University of Cambridge, England.
After a postdoctoral fellowship at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, Dr.
Tsien became a faculty member at the University of California, Berkeley. His
laboratory later moved to UCSD. Dr. Tsien is a member of the Institute of
Medicine and the National Academy of Sciences. In 2002, he received awards
from the American Chemical Society, the Protein Society, the Royal Netherlands
Academy of Sciences, and the Max Delbrück Center (Berlin).贡献:发明和应用新的
Reference:Howard Hughes Medical InstituteNational Academy of Sciences吴瑞, 《
中国旅美生化和分子生物学家的贡献》附表 (原文见新语丝2002年4月1日新到资料)

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 128.125.]

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