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Salary information
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:stlstl] , 2004年10月26日14:00:49
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发信人: stlstl (射天狼), 信区: Biology
标 题: Salary information
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Tue Oct 26 14:00:49 2004) WWW-POST

Median income varied widely when looked at solely by gender.

Male ... $77,000
Female ... $55,500

This significant gender gap narrows considerably when the data
are cross-tabulated by level of education, length of experience,
primary specialty, etc.

Considerable differences were found when the data were analyzed
by ethnic origin.

White/Caucasian (not of Hispanic origin) ... $69,781
Pacific Islander (small sample size) ... $67,500
Asian ... $58,700
Hispanic/Latino ... $55,255
Black/African origin ... $50,000
Native American/Native Alaskan (small sample) $48,388

Again, these data exclude consideration of level of education,
length of experience, primary specialty, etc., all available in
the complete report.

Income also varied by citizenship or visa status.

U.S. Naturalized Citizen ... $82,000
U.S. Native-born ... $70,000
U.S. Permanent Resident Visa ... $68,250
Other U.S. Visa ... $40,000

Even wider variation was found when the pay data were
cross-tabulated by Primary Job Activity. The five highest-paying
job activities were:

Research Administration ... $123,753
Patents, Licensing, and Trademarks ... $119,000
Administration (not primarily lf research) ... $99,137
Consulting ... $95,000
Marketing, Sales, Purchasing, and Technical Services ... $94,000

The five lowest-paying job activities were:

Research - Laboratory ... $57,000
Research - Museum/Science Center ... $59,500
Analytical Services ... $62,000
Production, Quality Control ... $62,000
Clinical Services ... $62,000

Wide variation was also found when the pay data were
cross-tabulated by Primary Area of Specialization. The five
highest-paying specializations were:

Nosocormial Infections (small sample) ... $110,500
Radiation ... $100,320
Drug Discovery/Development/Delivery - Antibiotics ... $95,000
Drug Discovery/Development/Delivery - Other ... $93,600
Clinical Research ... $92,000

The five lowest-paying job activities were:

Mycology - General (small sample) ... $45,000
Fisheries (small sample) ... $47,300
Paleontology (small sample) ... $49,250
Rickettsiology (small sample) ... $49,390
Biology -General ... $50,600

The widest variation in pay rates were due to level of
supervisory/managerial responsibility:

Supervised/managed ten or more employees ... $120,000
Supervised/managed 5 - 9 prof. & sub-prof. employees ... $99,000
Supervised/managed 5 - 9 prof. employees ... $92,000
Supervised/managed 10 or more sub-prof. employees ... $78,250
Supervised/managed under five prof. & sub-prof. employees ...
Supervised/managed under five prof. employees ... $73,500
Supervised/managed under five sub-prof. employees ... $54,000
No routine supervisory/managerial responsibility ... $48,000

※ 来源:.Unknown Space - 未名空间[FROM: 65.254.]

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