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Re: 生黑们,你们不喜欢生物的最主要理由是什么?
[同主题阅读] [版面:生物学] [作者:oceanfrog] , 2008年02月08日15:59:22
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发信人: oceanfrog (jeremy), 信区: Biology
标 题: Re: 生黑们,你们不喜欢生物的最主要理由是什么?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Feb 8 15:59:22 2008)

I cannot say I have a successful career yet, but I am sure I would have been
far worse if I had not transfered.

The reason I transfered:
1. Lab work is not for me.
I am kind of lazy, but like to think and experiment.
I am a trial-and-error person. I lack the ability to make things perfect
without feedback, which is essential to success in molecular-biology. I
would be mad if I cannot see my results in half year. I fear to death that I
introduced some mistakes here and there.

2. Bad working conditions:
*The working hour is too long for me.
*There is very limited career choices.
*I had to deal with harmful substances.

3. The field does not reward talents.
In software industry for example, the best programmers can do things 10 times
better than average. (I myself probably can do 3 times better than average
easily, which is real common for Chinese.) You get rewards for that in
industry easily.
In bio, without being the one who manages other people, there is hardly any
chance to amplify the small edge in your talents.

4. I transfered to IT and at that time that's the best choice. I taught
myself to write BASIC programs on Apple-II back in the 80s when I was 13, so
I was not afraid of moving to that direction.
(IT is not the best place to go for long term career. You can amplify your
talents, but there are too many smart people in this field, so it is very
difficult to be the best in technology. But it is still way better than bio.)

5. I transfered to CS and still got TA position in Bio dept. so my financial
is secured.

6. Since it is the biggest challenge changing to a completely different area,
I worked extra hard, which I never did before that. I did not need to study
in high school and I still was able to score as high as people wish. (My
high school wanted me to be a Gaokao Zhuanyuan though I failed.)
I did not study at all in college since I feel all the courses are bullshit,
but I still managed to get offer from US.
But, only after I transfered I realized smart is not enough for the success
in anyone's long term career. I studied as hard as if there is no tomorrow
and I have to make up all times I lost.

【 在 prison2006 (不周山) 的大作中提到: 】
: 不记得“生黑”这个词是不是我首创的,反正我是这么称自己的,也这么称呼身边的一
: 些同学。看到很多人在版上声讨生物,理由主要是这么几点:钱少,辛苦,受老板欺压
: ,工作不好找,有毒,出路窄竞争激烈,知识面窄转行不容易,生物科研无聊(包括实
: 验手法低级,周期长,难以产生关键成果,等等)。但是这其中有一些理由是很多工作
: 共有的特点,有些是个人喜好问题,本质是不同的,克服起来方法也不同。如果能认识
: 到问题的本质,就能做出合理的选择,或进或退都能有一个光明前途;如果只是粗浅的
: 抱怨,则对改变现状毫无帮助。这就是为什么有的人能转行成功找回快乐,有的人只能
: 年复一年的不停抱怨。同样是生黑,同样是诉说着生物的苦,但是背后的动力是不一样
: 的。
: 想问问大家,不喜欢生物的主要理由是什么?特别是转行成功的同学,是什么促使你下
: ...................

※ 修改:·oceanfrog 於 Feb 8 16:02:56 2008 修改本文·[FROM: 38.117.]

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