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Re: 欧巴马昨天的演讲写的真是好!
[同主题阅读] [版面:美国新闻] [作者:fku0000] , 2008年03月20日09:14:24
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发信人: fku0000 (fku), 信区: USANews
标 题: Re: 欧巴马昨天的演讲写的真是好!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Mar 20 09:14:24 2008)

【 在 xlly (lob) 的大作中提到: 】
: 演讲和书面语言有区别, 内容之外, 更讲究节奏 (Cadence),气势。
: 但是能有理有据,又有气势的稿子, 太少了。不知道是不是他自己写的?
: It was a perfect delivery yesterday showing a rare combined mantle of a
: constitutional scholar and a politician, comparable to that of JFK, who
: a Pulitzer winner as well as a statesman.

the speech is well composed.

it lacks substance, execution, nor conviction that others can rely on.

it opens many doors for his opponents:

- his association with Wright puts a question mark on his judgement, which
has been Obama's number 1 selling point.
- his lack of complete denounceation of Write and his rehoric prior to his
presidential campaign shows that Obama's unity talk is fake. If the speech
angered Obama today as much, why wasn't he angered before his run for the
white house?
- his praise and continued association with Wright will be a big campaign
theme for the republicans as on racial ground (Wright is racially dividing),
on patriotic ground (Wright's denounciation of the USA), on law enforcement
ground (Wright's accusaton of the US being a murderous government), etc.

Clinton can point to Wright to the democrats and legitmately make a claim
that obama is a fake, and not a uniter with sound judgement. and quite the
opposite, he is a divider with poor judgement.

McCain can point to Wright to the conservatives in the general election,
should Obama overcome Clinton, and say "folks, do you really want this
monster who runs afoul of your believes in the white house?".

Democrates are in a binge now. they can elect a white woman who is not
electable; or they can elect a black man who is a fake.

: 政治方面,我就不评论了。伪专家够多了。


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