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发信人: ironboy (tinny), 信区: Virginia
标 题: 杨欣的加拿大朋友谈杨欣
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jan 26 22:31:44 2009)

Heather wrote at 2:05pm
I'm flooredd. I don't really know what to say.
I worked with Xin at Costco in Newfoundland. She was beautiful, friendly,
and sweet! Rest peacefully Xin.

Heather wrote at 6:41am
To Ms. Yang's family I wish all the possible strength, dignity, patience,
forbearance, love, and compassion that it will take to make it through this
dark time. Please know that you and your daughter are in our thoughts. May
Xin rest in peace.

Jennifer wrote at 6:00am
May Xin Yang's family find strength and peace from the outpouring of love
and hope from all.

Linda wrote at 5:40am
I am so sorry for Ms. Yang's family and wish them strength and peace.

Paula wrote at 6:40pm yesterday
Xin was a beautiful person. She always was happy to see you...smiling from
ear to ear. Quiet and shy at first, but the more you were around her..the
more she would talk and smile. She genuinely cared about people. Xin loved
her math studies..I told her I needed a calculator for everything...she
laughed. You will be missed Xin. RIP

Latesia wrote at 4:58pm yesterday
this is one of the most painful and most disturbing things I have heard. I
feel as though this world has truly come to a very hard and crazy and
painful time. my heart goes out to this young ladies family and the friends
of her. I will keep all of you in my prayers and as well will continue to
pray for virginia tech as a whole because you all from there are going
through very hard times in general espeically from what happened last time
with the shooting. I am truly truly sorry for your lost....may God bless you
and keep you all.

Kim wrote at 4:52pm yesterday
My thoughts and prayers are with Xin's family. May Xin rest in peace.

Jie wrote at 1:58pm yesterday
I don't know her personally. I read about it in the news, and I was totally
shocked by this terrible tragedy that happened right before the Chinese New
Year. Thoughts and prayers from me go to Xin's family and friends.

Lisa wrote at 2:40am yesterday
I met Xin about a lil over a year ago and worked together for a short period
of time. I had just started my new job and Xin was so helpful and kind in
showing me the ropes. She was a beautiful person inside and out, always
pleasant and never without a smile. I was so shocked to hear the horrible
news. I hope you're at peace Xin. My thoughts and prayers are with your
family and friends.

Jamie wrote at 10:57pm on January 24th, 2009
I lost some faith today. Xin was a really great girl.

Davis wrote at 9:31pm on January 24th, 2009

Dianna wrote at 9:02pm on January 24th, 2009
I'm one that didn't know her at all, but support and prayers from me to Xin'
s family and friends. You are in my thoughts.

Dave wrote at 8:17pm on January 24th, 2009
I hope she finds peace in the afterlife. My world just got a little darker
and smaller today.

Karina wrote at 6:20pm on January 24th, 2009
praying for her friends and family ♥

Christine wrote at 5:57pm on January 24th, 2009
I am in shock. Just plain shock. The lady was my age. HER picture is
haunting. My condolences to her family and VT .

I worry about my own friends here ( @ UCONN) who are international students
perusing their own educations. It's just Insane.

Jaclyn wrote at 5:28pm on January 24th, 2009
I met Xin about a year ago. She was such a beautiful person, she was so
cheerful and bubbly. She was so much fun to work with and to talk too.
Condolences to Xin's family friends. She will truely be missed!

Diana wrote at 2:14pm on January 24th, 2009
I met Xin about 2 years ago..she was a sweet and beautiful person. My
sympathy to her family.

Tyrone wrote at 1:12pm on January 24th, 2009
i cant believe this...i worked with Xin for a little while she was such a
sweet condolences to her friends and family

Jennifer wrote at 12:04pm on January 24th, 2009
Praying for my Blacksburg, Virginia Family!
May Xin rest in the arms of our beautiful creator!

Ashley wrote at 11:59am on January 24th, 2009
Greatly tragic news.
My thoughts & prayers are with Xin's family & friends.
RIP Xin.
死者长已矣, 存者乐其生。愿受害者家人节哀顺变!

Kimberly wrote at 9:59am on January 24th, 2009
My thoughts and prayers are with Xin's family and friends!

Pauline wrote at 8:52am on January 24th, 2009
My condolences to the family and friends of Xin.

Yun wrote at 8:42am on January 24th, 2009
I didn't know Xin. Just saw the news. What a tragedy. My condolence to Xin.
Sympathy for Xin's families and friends. God bless!

Amy wrote at 7:02am on January 24th, 2009
This is so sympathy is with xin family....Xin worked for me for a
period of time...She was such a nice person...It is so sad that this
happened to her.

Matthew wrote at 6:20am on January 24th, 2009
I never met her, but it's a shame when people take another persons life for
no reason.

My heart goes out to her family and friends.

Mercie wrote at 11:43pm on January 23rd, 2009

Tina wrote at 10:27pm on January 23rd, 2009
Sincere condolences to Xin Yang's family in China and her friends at VT.
Rest in peace.

Christine wrote at 9:36pm on January 23rd, 2009
I go to Arizona State. The long distance does not undermine the telepathy
among international students studying in the US. I feel deeply sorry for her
family in Beijing..... All the best to Virginia Tech! The resilience it
displays is amazing.

Molyneau wrote at 9:18pm on January 23rd, 2009
My prayers and sincere condolences go to the family and friends of Xin Yang.
I'm just shocked three times over though! Shock from learning about the
incident... Shocked that people had to witness it... and Shocked,
disappointed in the media coverage.

Ronald wrote at 7:43pm on January 23rd, 2009
im sorry to hear her death
idont know her at all, but this is really terrible news
why will someone do something like that
rip xin yang i hope u're at a more peaceful place

Yvonne wrote at 3:48pm on January 23rd, 2009
Praying for Xin Yang and her family. I understand 1st hand the horrors of
murder. XOXO

Beth wrote at 2:11pm on January 23rd, 2009
I was downtown at the Lyric when the alert arrived. So sorry to hear about
this and about reports that the landlord had reported erratic behavior by
the man accused of her murder who had also posted to a blog of his
intentions. Maybe those who knew her could add some of their memories...


Lisa wrote at 12:11pm on January 23rd, 2009
God Bless her family and friends. I am so sorry this happened.

Prayers are sent to her friends, family, the first responders, and to those
at the GLC.

Alyson wrote at 10:07am on January 23rd, 2009
My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone connected to this horrific event,
including my fellow Hokies. I know this has reopened old wounds for many of

Kathy wrote at 9:37am on January 23rd, 2009
I'm so sorry for you as a friend and for her family. Blessings on all of you

Ken wrote at 7:51am on January 23rd, 2009
Condolences to the family of the victim, but also to the family of the
attacker, the witnesses, and the police & investigators. Seeing this first-
hand is something we all need to remember is seriously traumatizing.

Sheng wrote at 5:05am on January 23rd, 2009

Samer wrote at 4:28am on January 23rd, 2009
Bless her soul... truly tragic. I was deeply affected and my heart goes out
to her family.
Samer -VT '05

Kate wrote at 4:25am on January 23rd, 2009
My heart goes out to everyone affected...
...such in peace... ♥ ♥ ♥

Her smile is so warm and comforting.
Looking at her picture is surreal, knowing what happened.
I don't understand why these sorts of things happen-- I guess no one really

Andria wrote at 9:19pm on January 22nd, 2009
Such tragic news : (
May she rest in peace

Zack wrote at 9:09pm on January 22nd, 2009
I did not know her, and I am not now nor have I ever been a student at VT,
but my thoughts and prayers go out to her friends and family nevertheless.

Roger wrote at 7:49pm on January 22nd, 2009
God Bless you and your family.


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