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XML   Klip Folio
Fisher issues 2007 Outlook Par[11-17]
The Sky Is Falling[11-10]
Year-end Rally? Looks like a [11-08]
Fear Not, Brainless might be a[11-07]
Yesterday Once More?[11-06]
I hold my bullish view to 2007[11-06]
Some reference for my research[11-05]
Bought a Ro
2007-11-17 [发表评论] [写信问候]
  Fisher issues 2007 Outlook Part IV

Eventually, Fisher Investments Inc. issues its \"2007 Stock Market Outlook, Part IV\" as its another title is \"Global Markets Will Weather Worries\". This document can be free downloaded from www.fi.com

It is really nice to hear Ken\'s opinion again!

SKLV 发布于2007-11-17 11:42:00  |  浏览[518]  |  评论[0]  |  引用[0]
2007-11-14 [发表评论] [写信问候]


People here are all smart guys
But smart itself hurts us a lot actually
Our brains are blinding us, so we always get biased view of the market no matter bull or bear
When you try to be really \"foolish\", you may only win.
That is why DSD\'s gang named \"shabang\".
Sha (fool) is the edge in the market.

事实上,连老鼠预测市场都比人准(no kidding)。What a world!

SKLV 发布于2007-11-14 12:17:50  |  浏览[562]  |  评论[0]  |  引用[0]
2007-11-13 [发表评论] [写信问候]

发信人: SKLV (TGH), 信区: Stock
标 题: 市场怎么玩我们?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Nov 13 21:56:12 2007)

没有征求引用帖子原作者的意见,在此先表示一下歉意,不过真的很好玩 :)

发信人: SKLV (TGH), 信区: Stock
标 题: Re: 我管它反弹还是反转

它猛上 you sell
then 它轻上轻下,you chicken
then 它猛上 again, you have nothing to sell, you short
then 它猛上 again, you short more
then 它猛上 again and again, you cover w/ big loss
then 它猛下, you have no money to buy

Poor ah!

haha kidding. I like your post actually.
【 在 Tuxingxing (土星也有提款机) 的大作中提到: 】
: 反正它猛上,�


SKLV 发布于2007-11-13 21:57:52  |  浏览[566]  |  评论[0]  |  引用[0]
2007-11-10 [发表评论] [写信问候]
  The Sky Is Falling

Oh, spit!


The sky is falling!

Stop. To steal a line from Cameron Crowe\'s 1989 Say Anything: \"You must chill. You must chill.\"

Yes, I understand that almost any market average you look at is down 4% or more over the last couple of days. I get it. Ford (NYSE: F) is down 4%. Intel (Nasdaq: INTC), 6%. Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL), 10%. Heck, one of my own stocks -- American Science & Engineering (Nasdaq: ASEI) -- dropped 15% after bombing its earnings report Monday. Scary.

Yet if you\'re reading this, it means I


SKLV 发布于2007-11-10 13:01:29  |  浏览[344]  |  评论[0]  |  引用[0]
2007-11-08 [发表评论] [写信问候]
  Year-end Rally? Looks like a dream?

People are getting extremely panic and pessimistic after the huge sell-off today, esp in the tech sector. This is fueled by the testimony of Fed chairman before the congress, as he sees a period of slow economic growth ahead although the past 2 quarters\' GDP has robust growth. The panic sentiment got its extreme around 1:ooPM ET in the three major indexes.

The jobless data is better-than-expected as jobless claims went down by 13K last week even in the period when the CA wildfire caused a 3K job loss.

Some good signals appeared today: S&P 500 becomes flat (-0.06%), although S&P 500 comp


SKLV 发布于2007-11-08 18:55:14  |  浏览[255]  |  评论[0]  |  引用[0]
2007-11-07 [发表评论] [写信问候]
  Fear Not, Brainless might be a better choice

发信人: SKLV (TGH), 信区: Stock
标 题: Fear Not, Brainless might be a better choice
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Nov 7 19:08:09 2007)

Amost everyone is talking about bear. Not only here, every newspaper, from
local to national, from English to even Chinese. Mass media, stock forum and
investment newsletters are shouting: bear comes, economy will go to
recession, subprime is just surging. It is really funny to see so many warm-
hearted guys in this cruel world are reminding you to escape an incoming
bear mkt.

Does any real bear come in such an expected manner? Just name one for


SKLV 发布于2007-11-07 19:19:18  |  浏览[245]  |  评论[0]  |  引用[0]
2007-11-06 [发表评论] [写信问候]
  Yesterday Once More?

发信人: SKLV (TGH), 信区: Stock
标 题: Yesterday Once More?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Nov 6 12:09:31 2007)

Someone mentioned here, last yr, the whole market was also bearish a lot,
and TA HHs were keeping talking about where is the next support of the major
indexes. People has almost lost their slim hope of the yr-end rally. Fear,
panic and worries all around. Then on the Nov, mkt suddenly bounced up. Year
end rally starts. :)

The following link is an old article written by Ken Fisher on 9/18/2006. The
title is \"The November Surprise\".


SKLV 发布于2007-11-06 12:54:27  |  浏览[242]  |  评论[0]  |  引用[0]
2007-11-06 [发表评论] [写信问候]
  I hold my bullish view to 2007

发信人: SKLV (solar), 信区: Stock
标 题: I hold my bullish view to 2007
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Nov 3 21:14:09 2007)

i believe my opinion here won\'t be echoed by many people, as I am 1) not
famous 2) not often giving any prediction about the market. The very reason
i wrote this post is because I wanna set a record for myself, and also test
another system which i don\'t want to uncover.

I hold my bullish view to 2007 and even early 2008, as far as I see any REAL
fundamental change. The following are my reasons:

1) The US economy is still good, and even better than I expected


SKLV 发布于2007-11-06 12:51:08  |  浏览[229]  |  评论[0]  |  引用[0]
[ 1 2 3 ]
SKLV 股版上的一些回复11-04

访问量 5863 更新时间: 2007-11-17 11:42:00
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